
Strange visual test: Take a look?

by Guest60843  |  earlier

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Strange test: take a look?

Go to this link:

There are pictures there, and all the explanations. The pictures are not moving, but whenever I move my eyes they seem to move, slowly, though, which means I am not that stressed yet.

How on Earth do you explain that? Why do the seem to move?

In fairness, when I took off my glasses, they moved less.

I understand it's visual effect, but more details?




  1. this is cool.

  2. it is pretty kewl. but i think they move because of the colours they have used. i no when i am lookin at blue writing with a colour background the words look like they are moving. i dont think it has anything to do with your stress level.

    i just found somthing that i think you and everyone else will love ist sooooo kewl you have to do it.

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