
Strangest Hip Hop Album You've Listened To?

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Well, the word "strange" is open to interpretation, but to me it means that the music resists all classification and combines themes, lyrics, and sounds that at first don't make any sense. A Strange hip hop album would be a challenging listen in my opinion.

The strangest hip hop album I've listened to would have to be:


I've had it for years and I still don't know what to make of it....I don't even know if I can call it a hip hop album. The sounds just wash over you and singing appears out of nowhere, not to mention the lyrics are weird as h**'s probably the closest thing to what an acid trip sounds like, alongside Loveless by My Bloody Valentine. It's very least to me, but it's also one of my favorite albums.

So, what albums would you guys consider the strangest that you've listened to?




  1. Probably Dr Octagonecologyst. That is messed up. But I love it.  

  2. my first thought is Quasimoto-The Further Adventures of Lord Quas

    but NR alread put that down so im going with Busdriver-Temporary Forever.

    another one that just popped in my head is El-p-Collecting the kid.

  3. Quasimoto-The Further Adventures of Lord Quas

    But the album is still dope IMO

  4. The Odd Couple-Gnarls Barkley

  5. What Bonnie said, it's Kool Keith taking on the roll of an Alien Gynecologist who has s*x with patients lol...I'd love to know where he got the idea from.

  6. The New Danger- it was wierd at first, i had a hard time listening to it, but after a while it just sunk in, and some of my favorite songs are off it. Some songs really dont have a hip hop feel to them, but knowing that its mos def singing takes you back to that hip hop state of mind.

    also, MM..Food and DangerDoom

  7. My first thought before I even opened this question was the same as yours, cLOUDDEAD by cLOUDDEAD, but I can probably come up with something stranger. Let me think on this. I'll get back to you.

    EDIT: I couldn't think of anything to top that so I'll just name some other strange albums.

    Restiform Bodies - Restiform Bodies

    Circus vs. Andre Afram Asmar - Gawd Bless the Faceless Cowards

    Heralds of Change - Secrets

    Orko The Sycotik Alien - Atoms Of Eden

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