
Strangest craigslist dog ad ever?

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This made me laugh but at the same time made me mad. Enjoy.

Oh to make this valid: What do you think your dogs do when you're gone?




  1. Wow. I'm glad that person is doing the right thing, and I hope the people responsible see it, that'd be so great. Its good to see the compassion waiting around every corner.

    Dude where did you find this "best of" list? Its HILARIOUS.

    I mean.. wow!


  2. Thanks for sharing that ad. I've met those dog's other brothers.!

    My dogs all sleep while no one is home.

  3. lol and friggin dog dumping b******s!!!!!

  4. Hahaha....

    that is historical!

    I mean come on "If you are the owner of these dogs come on by id like to kick your ***"LOL

    yeah but it made me mad as h**l!

    People are so idiotic.

    Ok so anyway.

    Pom: Probably hunting for food non stop. (he is food obsessive!)

    Chi: Most likely patrolling the place.

    JRT:Whining her Butt off!

  5. I think that person is my new hero. Good for them!

    I know exactly what my dogs do when I'm gone...I've left cameras running. Yes, really! Gracie sleeps upstairs on my bed, and Maddie (the one in my avatar) sleeps on the couch in the sun room. Maddie comes to sit by the door for a few minutes every half-hour or so to see if we are coming back. Then she heads back to the couch. Pretty uneventful.

  6. lmao that is funny but its true. There are  messed up people who just dump their dogs at random places I still dont understand why people dont think before getting dogs

  7. Love love love the ad that was posted. Hate dog dumping people. They should be dumped off in a strange place and made to fend for self for a while...preferrably somewhere that still has canibals, head hunters, etc.

  8. That was a well thought out post on craigs list. I laughed.

    Ok what do my dogs do when I'm no home? Well not the house cleaning thats for DARN sure !!!  

  9. Itsn't that awefull? People are weird- Good for her take those babies in. I wish people could grow brains some times

    I know what my dogs do while I'm at work. Titus catches up on his beauty sleep and Violet eats my hose- She ate my hose again yesterday... GGGrrr, I'm smarter then she is though- I put it in the garage today! HA

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