
Strangest food you have tried?

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i have tried dog in korea, chicken claws in malaysia, kangaroo steaks, birds nest soup.




  1. wow. Half of the strangest foods answered are things I find to be delicious delicacies.

    Me? Balut, which is a 2 week old fertilized duck egg (google it for pics).

    I've also eaten raw chicken heart.

    And horse sashimi (delicious, but not so strange).

  2. Grilled cow utter called "milk gut".  It tastes like chicken liver.

  3. Cows tounge with black ketchup with rice and fried shrimp. really good.

    Aligator in LA

    Sushi.............. love it

  4. vegetarian sausage, i couldnt tell whether i was eating meat or not its scary

  5. Raw Eel in a spicy sauce.  It wasn't very good and I'll never try it again.   I'm getting sick just thinking about it.

  6. It's not very exciting like the other posters...but the strangest things I have tried were frog's legs and snails.  Not something I plan on trying again...

    Oh yeah...and I once ate the worm at the bottom of the mezcal bottle.  I won't be making that mistake again anytime soon!

  7. never personally but my family loves goat testicles.

  8. Nothing like that, i've heard that bird's nest soup is pretty vile, i've seen it on food programmes and its looks like glue.

  9. sheeps brain in france

  10. Raccoon.

  11. Kangaroo jerky or alligator - both pretty weird - I tried them in Australia

  12. I once ate a woodlouse. I don't recall what it tasted like.

    Being as they are actually crustacea, rather than insects, I would hope it was similar to scampi...

  13. Lambs tongue that you have to peel the skin off when its cooked, a braised sheeps head! yep u read right.

    Cant say i enjoyed either of them but it certainly different

  14. Calf Fries.

  15. Locust, it tasted just like butter... Japanese squid guts with rice was a bit dodgy though, as was this Chinese squid, they told me it was 'spicy', but the spice was actually about the bitterest citrus flavour ever. It was really sour, whereas the Japanese one tasted a bit like liver...

    or how about these Chinese traditional pancakes, they were filled with ice cream, peanuts and chopped coriander. Curious flavour...

  16. goat

  17. McDonalds, not beef, not horse, not goat, not pig, not chicken, wtf is it??

  18. sweetbreads, bull testicles & pig ovaries

  19. armadillo,  maguey ( a cactus ) worms, ant eggs, grasshoppers, in Mexico and lamb testis in Turkey.

  20. I guess aligatot in fla.... It tasted just like chicken but of course that is all they were fed.

  21. Badger Pie (now illegal in the UK).

    Roast Hedgehog, Roma style(also now illegal).

    Grey Squirrel in Nettle Sauce.

    Slug, boiled with herbs, veg and spud (survival course).




    Fried Locust

    Black fresh water oysters

    Baby Camel

  22. Rattle snake and I didn't like it one bit.

  23. fresh monkey brains they just chop the top of the head of when it is still alive and dig in with their hands and eat tastes not to bad was in the Amazon jungle at the time and did not have fresh food for 6 weeks if your hungry you will eat any thing

  24. jellied pigs' feet; chocolate covered bees and grasshoppers.

  25. Deep Fried Pickles. I tried them although it sounded weird and funny thing is.. I love them now, they're addicting.

  26. armadillo and iguana in mexico

  27. Seafood pizza in Greece topped with squid that were still alive.


  29. Turtle Pot in Japan

  30. umm...curried iguana  and stewed horse (i didnt know i was eating the horse. my mother mixed it with beef).

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