
Strawberry flavored cigarettes?

by Guest34388  |  earlier

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My friend used to smoke these all natural strawberry flavor cigs. I wanted to try them but I cant seem to find them. I know they come in other flavors and that they arent a typical brand like camel or marlboro. Im from CT and Im not sure if maybe they were banned? I know many states banned candy flavored cigs.

If anyone can help or diretc me to a website that sells them that would be great.

I know you can roll your own and they have flavored tobacco for that but I dont want to roll my own.

If your going to say something about not smoking and how bad it is dont bother. I already know that and dont do it often, either way I dont want to hear it.





  1. go to a local tobacco shop and see what they have. they may have strawberry "dreams" cigarettes because they do have quite a few flavors. djarum may have strawberry cloves too though im not sure.

    otherwise i suggest trying a hookah if you never have before. im sure youve heard of/tryied it before. iv had incredible strawberry hookah experience.

  2. Therese a site called they call them little cigars but they look just like a cigarette.  I dont smoke but i have heard they have a good strawberry flavor.  they have flavors like cherry, peach, vanilla, grape, strawberry, etc.  hope this helps

  3. i hope you dont mean those herbal cigs they smell like pot and youll be the talk of the town... ask her where she bought them?

  4. the only strawberry thing i know about are swisher sweet little cigars. they are not all natural though  

  5. Well, I know where to get them AND what they're called.  But since you acted like a stuck up brat about the weed thing, I'm not going to tell you.  lol

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