
Stray cat but no cat food?

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We have a cat outside our house and we gave her water but I would like to feed her. I wouldn't normally as she is wearing a collar but our neighbor said she has kittens and believes she is a stray. She is very skinny and I'm worried about her. Should I feed her and if I do what can I feed her until I can go get cat food?




  1. Feed her some tuna or other meat. I would call a local humane society, kitty rescue group, or no kill shelter when you can. I hope this helps. Also, kitties will eat any kind of meat typically. They'll also eat rice if it's mixed in and a variety of other things. Try the tuna if you have some though.  

  2. Hot dogs and dog food also milk. But try to pick up some kitten chow so the babies get the nutrients they need from her milk  

  3. It would be best to not feed her dog food, but get her some cat food.  Dog food fails to contains several crucial trace ingredients that cats must have (taurine), but for short times, it will not be fatal.  That also applies to tuna that is meant for people.

    Cats eat meat, so things like boiled chicken (no bones) is normally well received.

    If you can follow her at a discrete distance and find where her kittens are, having animal control capture all will be a great service.

  4. ***STAY AWAY FROM TUNA*** Cats can only eat little of it or risk sickness, and certainly not a skinny weak cat. Tuna depletes essential B vitamins from kitties, and should only given as a treat, not a food.

    Best food you can give to a stray is chicken (it's a natural food source in it's own environment). If prepared properly, it's even wise to give it to her raw if you watch her eat it and not let it sit to collect bugs (especially flies that can carry tapeworms). Raw meat is natural for kitties, and since their digestive tract is very short they don't suffer from food poison like humans. It also won't have the essential vitamins destroyed from cooking. BUT, if you must feel you need to cook it, don't over cook it.

    Milk gives cats the runs, and for sick kitties it's to be avoided.

    Momma cat needs plenty of protein, and most importantly Taurine (not only essential for the eyes [without it in the diet, it causes those nasty eye ulcers that cause them to lose their eyes], but even the heart. Until the 70s cats died prematurely because their diet didn't include it. Today all cat food contains it for bright eyes and healthy hearts, and cats are living longer due to it (it's not the protein and all the other "health" products in cat food that is increasing their lives, it's taurine and other essential vitamins and minerals).

  5. If you have any cooked meat or maybe even raw meat but that makes a big chance to get worms and that is all I have.

  6. dog food lacks the nutrients a cat needs, especisally taurine which is essential for eyesight. whats so hard about going out and buying a 59 cent can of cat food? :P i think you should call the SPCA. its better than having the cat starve or get abused. if it has a collar they'll definately take it. be sure to mention that.

  7. You can feed her tuna,milk,chicken,bacon,cheese. Make sure the chicken and bacon are cooked. No raw foods.

  8. You can feed her canned tuna, or canned chicken.

  9. If you have any kind of vegetable/beef or chicken noodle soup, you can mash that all together and give it to her.  Or, if you have a can of tuna or sardines, she can have that.  These are JUST UNTIL you can get some CAT food TOMORROW!

    Good luck.........

  10. Well i would feed her tuna about twice a day my cat has kittens & if we feed her dog food , we soak it for about 30 minutes & add something to it for a little more flavor

  11. Do not give her cheese. she will throw up. Do not give her milk or any other dairy products. Dog food is definitely not good for cats. IF she is wearing a collar it is NOT likely that she is a stray. Take her to the humane society to have her scanned for microchips, if they do not find any then place an ad in the classifieds lost pets section with a detailed description of the kitty. Feed her cooked chicken until you can get some CANNED cat food. Dry food is terrible for cats despite what you may have heard.  If no one responds to your add, follow the kitty and find her kittens and take mom and babies to the shelter, and if you find out whos cat it is, then tell them they can pick her up at the shelter. dont forget to question all of your neighbors.

  12. Feeding her would be humane, but be warned that she will likely become "your" cat.  And you might have kittens soon!  If you have any chicken or tuna, that would be fine temporarily.  It's high in protein, and good for a nursing mama.  

  13. umm boiled chicken canned tunna ham turkey.  Basically any type of meat that is not seasoned.

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