
Stray cat - help! i need to tame him kinda?

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we've been having a stray cat come to us for a while now like for maybe 2 or 3 months about. hes not really a kitten but hes not really a cat hes like aaallmost full grown just a lil smaller than full sized. he likes to play like a kitten like with his teeth and claws. he's really thin and i know thats a sign that theres something wrong with him. we used to always see him with ticks on him and loots of scars on his neck he has like a necklace of scars... hes really thin so we put wome dewormer in there and nothing really happened... hes getting a lil plumper though... he eats like 2 cans of fancy feast every time we feed him! which is like 2 times a day. so like im scared to go out and play with him even though hes dyyyyyyyying to come in the house (my cat would murder us all and prolly run away if he came in the house) because i dont want him to bite me or something then i get a weird disease!!! he likes to "play" with my cat by stalking him and pouncing on him then it turns into a catfight! we found one of his claws in my cat's fur... now he's so scared to go outside hes like an indoor cat now :( how can i make them be friends!! theres like construction going on and he can come in i think... if he's smart enough... i dont want him to come in i just want him to be able to be tame so we can get him to the vet and get him vaccinated and fixed!!




  1. Been there, done that.  You just have to keep one cat outside, and one inside.  They will never be friends, esp if outside kitty is pouncing on the inside kitty.

    Did you have him checked for a chip?  That's a good idea.  Probably the best thing you can do for him is to use flea/tick/heartworm preventative on him.

    Once a cat has had to fend for himself, even if he was domestic at first, he starts living by his wits, fighting for food, being chased by other animals, and ends up to be feral.  You're not going to tame him, and your indoor cat will never forgive you for letting him in.  They'll never be friends.

    TX Mom

  2. YOU can't make them be friends ... that's up to them

    I would trap him and take him to the vet and get him fixed and vacc. like you said and then continue feeding him... you can also supplement with dry food too.  

    good job.

  3. The cat is feral, and it's very difficult to "tame" them.  I would suggest contacting a local rescue group, or some place that would help you with a trap-neuter-release.  You can set up a trap for him and when he's trapped take him to the vet for his neuter and all his vaccinations.  You may actually find that his behavior becomes less abrasive once he's fixed.  He might be a bit lazy and less aggressive toward your cat.  Once you have this done you can release him back outside and then slowly work toward getting him acclimated to your home.    

  4. Spca is good, but if you want some cat tips, first, put the stray cat in a room, but be careful to not let your house cat even smell it, or see it in it's box. Put the cat in the room, and add food, water, and leave it there for a week, or two(two weeks would be best). Then, crack the door open a teensy bit, so the cats can sniff, but not touch. This should be about a couple of days. Then, exchange the cat's items. Put a toy near each cat's food bowl that has the other's smell on it. There will be hissing, that is normal. Now, wait for about a couple of days, and after 2 weeks have passed(when your cat is in the room still), open the door fully, but be especially careful not to force the two to meet. There will probably be swatting and hissing and chasing. If there is too much violence, put the cat in the room for about another week. Then, try again. The hissing will let the stray know where it's place is, and it will gradually get closer, week by week. This whole process will probably take about 1 month, but about 6 months-1 year for the cats to finally be friends and play with each other.

  5. Your best bet is let spca handle him. He may have all kinds of diseases, and you certainly do not want to expose your own kitty to that. The stray cat could be a little more "wilder" than you think, since you have no idea really, how long he's been exposed to the elements and having to search for every mouthful of food. If your bound to do it yourself, then try to get him into a garage, if you have one, put him in a pet cage, and get him to the animal hospital right away. Then you can feel good cause he's protected from the outdoors. But really, you'd all be better off by calling the spca and let them handle it. They will take good care of your new little friend.

  6. That's what pretty much happened to me, a stray would always come around but this cat didn't have claws so if ur not against that i suggest that, also the first couple times we would let him in he would get very scared and want to get out so that might happen en and he also bit us but we trained him not to by putting him outside every time. so just get him checked out by the vet and I'm sure your other cat will get use to him but make sure not to ignore him cause they can get jealous hope u like ur new pet.

  7. Food and play. He is a normal cat the stalking and pouncing is what kittens do. Get a fish pole and put a fake mouse on the end and give him something to play with. Use toys that don't get near his claws. Feed him kitten chow and don't introduce him to the other cat until they are in a neutral zone. Also feed them good and remove the food so they don't have territory issues over food.  Use play to get him used to you and as he gets trusting pet him. Don't introduce him to the other cat until you have gotten some kind a flea control on him. Fleas have other vermin with them. When you do let them together let it be after a hard play session so he is more laid back. This means run him until he is to tired to fight. When they are together watch them if no blood is drawn let them yell at each other and squabble it out. They need to set their own boundaries and the more you interfere the longer it will take.

  8. I f you have a garage find a way to lure him in. Then call the SPCA.

    They should be willing to come get the cat and you and the cat will be much better.

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