
Stream/brook clean up?

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I've got a little brook in my backyard, that is mostly run off from the water drainage along the local neighborhood roads. So, you may imagine what i find. Golf balls, hockey pucks, plastic bags (a lot) etc. What should i do with all of this? Also is there anything else i can do to help the stream.? It is about 3 feet wide usually, but it varies. Thanks!




  1. You can plant native shrubs and plants along the banks of the stream. This will help to filter the run-off and help to eliminate some of the things you're finding from getting into the water in the first place.

    You could also write a letter to your local paper/community association/local free paper describing some of the items you found.

    You could also organize an annual community brook clean up. That's what we do in my community.

  2. You could put in some large rocks across the stream.  It will slow the water if the rocks are placed in a row, or a curved shape.  Slowing the water will let some of the debree settle and make it easier to pick up.  Rocks are also a great habitat for insects and other water creatures.  Some native vegitation along the banks is also a great idea.

  3. put some frogs in there

  4. chicken wire a some point and put it where yoou can clean out the portal.

  5. Put a culvert in so you, your kids and pets aren't exposed to all the stuff that most urban/suburban drainage ditches carry.

    Based on what you have described, it's not a wildlife refuge, right?  

    Or lobby your town to do something, I wouldn't want mosquitoes breading in my back yard with some of the new deceases moving north with the changing climate...
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