
Strech marks?? im 33weeks preg and have no strech marks am praying i dont get any was just wondering?

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if i will get them and when other people got them??




  1. Hi there, mum to be,

                                When i was pregnant with my daughter, right up until the 30th week, i didnt have a single stretch mark, shortly after, my tummy resembled a road map!I would have thought you would have had them by now, but you never know, fingers crossed you should be ok though!

    Good Luck with the birth, hope all goes well,

    Donna x

  2. I never really got stretch marks the stretch marks I got when it was all done and said with were about three cm long.  I have 8 and are hardly noticeable,   I also used that cocoabutter stretch mark lotion like 3times a day trying to prevent them.  My cousin didn't get stretch marks or notice them til the day before she went into labor.  they were hiding on the underside of her belly.  she didn't notice them til she stepped over the mirror that her sister left lying on the floor.  She freaked out cuz she they were all over the place.  Everyone is different.  Good luck!  and congrats!

  3. They can come at any time...the creams did nothing for me but wasted my money.  It's really not that serious.

  4. i had no stretch marks till the last 3 or so weeks. i used the stretch mark cream till around then. The mostly appeared on my hips but they are not very large at all. Once my milk died up though i was left with some on my b*****s but they aren't that noticeable at all. So you just may be one of the lucky ones. Just make sure you keep using the cream even after the baby comes while your body shrinks back

  5. i got the worst stretch marks on my b***s and soon as they start to fade i get a whole new crop of them, good luck though, i hear bio-oil is supposed to help

  6. rub some coca butter and shea on helps a lot so that u dont get stretch marks!!!

  7. honey I have 3 kids my whole body is a stretch mark!!! You'll get them if not this time the next time around for sure! honestly who cares about stretch marks anyway, once that baby is born that's all that matters

  8. Stretch marks come after you lose the weight. It also is heredity.

  9. I only got stretch marks on my butt and b*****s, none on my stomach, the ones on my b*****s have faded and my others are beginging to.

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