
Street Fighter X Tekken hack issues being dealt with by Capcom

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Publisher asks Microsoft for help but tells fans that they’ll catch the hackers on their own after originally asking gamers to point out hackers.
p****y and hacking has been a major issue for the gaming industry since its early days. Cheaper copies of nearly every title on every platform can be found, especially outside of Europe, Australia and North America.
In fact, a considerable part of Malaysia’s economic activity takes place in the world of p****y as games, movies and music albums are pirated and sold at extremely low rates.
Valve boss, Gabe Newell, believes that p****y can be stopped if alternatives and support are given to gamers as many regions where p****y is prevalent usually don’t have any choice.
Both the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3 have anti-p****y protection, which does not allow the use of pirated games to be played, however, the Xbox 360 is not as secure as its Sony counterpart.
The one way players can play pirated games is if they have a hacked console. Both the PlayStation 3 and the Xbox 360 have been hacked in recent times, yet the 360 has more issues in this regard.
Capcom have a reason to be worried about hackers and cheaters as they seem to be destroying their latest arcade fighting game, Street Fighter X Tekken.”
Christian Svensson, the Senior VP of strategic planning and business development at Capcom, stated, “Yes, we’re seeing news of this. Quite ballsy for folks to be taking hacked Xbox 360s on Live where they are detectable. In any event, we already have opened
channels of communication with Microsoft on these issues Friday night.”
He continued, “If you can capture screens or video of this in action (as some have already) we’re working on bans for boxes and accounts with Microsoft for haxxors.”
However, that thread was later closed after the gaming population got up to their usual antics as Capcom stated, “We’ll catch them ourselves.”
Capcom has also contacted Microsoft and the two are working together to ensure that hackers do not do too much damage and potentially open the game and the console up for p****y in the future.



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