Street Fighter X Tekken producer focusing on PlayStation Vita version of game
Yoshinori Ono, the producer behind the latest iteration of the Street Fighter series, has stated that he is working more on adapting the PlayStation Vita version of the game to make the best use of the Sony’s handheld gaming device unique features.
To be more specific, Mr. Yoshinori was talking about Street Fighter X Tekken, which is being developed by Capcom and will see the merging of Street Fighter and Tekken universes. It will follow gameplay mechanics and art style which Street Fighter has become
so well known for.
Namco, on the other hand, will be working on Tekken X Street Fighter, which will follow the gameplay and style of the Tekken series and together, both games should allow gamers to choose which style suits them best.
The Tokyo Game Show has pulled in record numbers at this year’s event and Sony’s next generation handheld portable gaming device, the PlayStation Vita, was the absolute star of the show. So, it is no wonder that everyone is talking about the gadget that
can pretty much do everything.
Mr. Yoshinori, however, was more focused, as he spoke about how Street Fighter X Tekken was being developed in such a way that the game would utilise as many of the Vita’s features as possible. The developer explained, “We've been putting less energy into
the porting process itself and more energy into adding additional features.”
Commenting on the porting process itself, Mr. Yoshinori added that the development team did not encounter any issues which may have arisen due to memory restrictions or the like, “A lot of people, when they're porting to new hardware, especially a handheld,
they'll talk about how it's difficult because of memory restrictions or speed or things like that, and I haven't found that to be the case.”
It almost seems a testament to the raw power of the Vita and the portable gaming device could very well be the first real bridge between console and portable gaming.
At the same time, the well-known developer also conceded that they were not going to use a Vita feature just for the sake of it, but rather they would try and find ways to make it work well with the game. He said, “We don't want a situation where you're
accidentally throwing shoryukens because you moved your ring finger in the middle of a bout.”
It seems that the PlayStation Vita version of Street Fighter X Tekken is in safe hands and everyone can only hope that the features are used to add to the gaming experience rather than have a ‘tacked on’ feeling to them.
Only time will tell, but for now it certainly has every gamer excited.