
Street Light Interference?

by  |  earlier

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Same thing has happened to me for many, many years, but I had chosen not to comment because I didn’t want people to think that I am so conceited that I believe I have special powers, However, it has been an incognito I have always had.

Tonight it happened when I when to pick up the mail. I told my husband as many other times, but he simply ignores me. It bothered me so much that I decided to do a search and ended up finding this article here. Now I know I am not the only one, and even found out it has a name.

There is something I don’t share in common. I have electric shocks so often that it is annoying, especially with my car’s door, or any metallic door, or any metallic element; and even sometimes when I touch people. I know this is a more common issue, but not with the frequency it happens to me: sometimes every day.

If anyone has comments to make on this, I would appreciate it.




  1. First of all, the SLIders phenomenon is the manifestation of something called "confirmation bias".  Check out the links.

    As far as static electricity goes all I can say is everyone experiences this.  The degree to which you experience it depends mostly on the shoes you wear and the material on which you tread.  You are shocked when touching metal because metal conducts electricty.

  2. Perhaps you don't go in the sunlight. Does it go out , too?

  3. The streetlight part is's called SLIders Phenomenon

    I've heard of others with the electrical shock problem. I think the question was on Alternative. I can't remember what the scientists told him. I think it had something to do with the tennis shoes he was wearing. What kind of shoes do you wear? If I can find that question..I'll give you the link to it.  Be really careful at the gas pumps. I'm sure you've heard of people starting fires with that..esp. in the winter time.

    Edit..These aren't the one I was looking for ..but maybe you can find something useful in them.;...;...

  4. But actually, every human have electrical current that runs through our body everytime. It's just not strong enough. In your case, the electrical current in your body is stronger than others.

    This is a myth i saw on MythBusters:

    You might want to be careful when you're in a gas station.

    Electric charges from your body could jump and burns the gasoline.

  5. You can minimize shocks by wearing natural fibers whenever possible.Natural rubber shoes and cotton clothes.Throw a polyester shirt into a dryer,with no softener.That will demonstrate whats happening to you.

  6. Your questions has two parts and you do not experience sliders phenomenon for either.  I worked for an electrical utility and street lights go out and turn back on all the time, especially the orange ones.  This is due to an unexplained phenomena called cycling in high pressure sodium bulbs.  Manufacturers have done extensive testing for years and can't find why it happens, but it is called cycling because it happens at predictable levels.  

    I also have electric shocks extremely often.  I am now an electrical inspector and enter many ESD (Electronic Spark Discharge) safe areas which will "fry" circuit boards without protection.  I found one day that I could not pass the ESD electronic entrance test, and I test for low on the resistance scale which is quite rare.  The fact is that your body's resistance is lower than metallic parts that would lead to earth ground.  Most people send a spark shock to the door k**b, but people like us have the k***s shock us instead.  This was a particular problem with my previous ungrounded computer which would give me a twelve volt shock about six times an hour since it had a metal keyboard cover.

  7. I've never had the streetlight interference that you're talking about...(at least I haven't noticed it)...but I DO have the same experiences with electrical shocks...I sometimes even get shocks from my plants when I touch them to move or water them... and I can actually see a spark shoot from my hand to the leaf...and sometimes the spark shoots from the plant to my hand!  My dog hardly lets me pet her anymore...that's how many times I've 'zapped' the poor thing.   Everytime I touch a door to a store, I get I've gotten into the habit of pulling my sleeve down over my hand to open the door or touch anything shopping is so bad (metal shelves, cans, etc...I have to take my daughter with me so she can just grab what I point at and put it in the cart.

    I also cannot wear watches...the batteries in the self winding ones never last more than a month...even when I replace them...and the wind up ones never work at all.

  8. The street light things happens to me all the time.  It doesn't matter if I am walking or in a car.  It realy freaks me out sometimes.  I have come to the conclusion that it is my aura (not visible to people) that cause the lights to go off when I go by.

    Haven't had the electric shock thing happen to me, so I can't say what that might be.

  9. I have gone through periods of time where this happened consistently. I never found a specific cause.

    As for turning on and off street lights, I am currently in the 'ON' position and have been for about three or four months.

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