
Street children in Guatemala, Romania and Slovakia?

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Compare and contrast the background causes, problems faced, and possible solutions to the issue of street children in Guatemala and, if possible, Romania or Slovakia




  1. I can answer about Guatemala................... lack of education, lack of social values, lack of opportunities, lack of justice.

    Possible solutions? the government put them in places where they can study and work at the same time.

  2. Sounds like a homework assignment and you've got some research to do... You should probably look in your college library for newspapers and resources- it'll be a lot easier to do your bibliography that way.

  3. Yes, is a sad situation. For anyone that thinks a goverment or a president or even a dictator can provide the solution then they are mistaken. One must go deep to the heart of the problem. The word "I". It starts there. If each corupt and evil person would turn from their sinful ways and allow the love of God to take over then you would see great things happen. What if each millonaire and billonaire gave one half of their wealth to help eliminate poverty? Those people would still have more than plenty to live on. Its about greed, power and control. Some of the wealthy of the world needs those three things to feel good about themselves. But in reality, this weekend is what it is all about. The Man on the cross. I challenge everyone out there to give to help eliminate world poverty. I am doing my part. We can all make a difference. Don't wait for the goverment to solve the problem. That day may never come. But "I" can make a difference! Happy Easter to all!

  4. In Guatemala, the Maya practice subsistence agriculture. As long as they own land, they will do fine. The problem is that 1% of the Guatemalan population has stolen 70% of the land. That land is used to grow crops for export, not to feed the people. No one is poorer that a farmer without land. The Maya live in extended families, not nuclear families. If they abandon their children, it means that the entire extended family is starving. You can see malnourished people all over the Maya areas of Guatemala.

    The solution is to stop stealing their land.

  5. For Guatamala, overpopulation, the people have way too many children and don't care if they can afford it or not.  When they find they can;t afford extra children, they dump them on the street.

    Romania because during the Communist government the leader encouraged people to have a lot of children and paid them extra to do so.  When communism fell, so did the government support.

    Slovakia similar reasons as Romania

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