
Street fight inexperience question.?

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Okay I dont know if anyone has asked this question before but unfortunately i see a street fight with myself and another guy coming soon. Ive been dating this girl now for about 2 months and her X boyfriend keeps showing up at her house threatening me and stuff while im there. Im waiting for the day where i cant leave and i have to fight. Ive tried to be the bigger man for about 2weeks now but i cant take much more. I have very little experience in fighting other than in high school a few times. Im 6'6 170lbs lanky as c**p and hes about 5'10 180 kind of stocky but not huge by any means. Any tips in case something does break out? Thanks




  1. Don't wait for him to open his mouth, make the first move and just nail him the second you see him. There hasn't been a fight yet because he's as afraid as you. You ever see the monkeys throwing sticks, making noise and shaking trees but never actually engaging? That's what's happening, as long as you act like a chicken **** and don't do anything he WILL keep it up. If you shut his mouth then he won't come back for more. Black eyes heal but knowing you could have stopped this but didn't have the cojones, that will never go away. It will follow you your whole life and make you doubt yourself in every way, not just in defending yourself. Experience isn't the key, just know what you are going to do and do it. I was small in high school but never took **** from anyone, the biggest wrestler in school messed with me and I went off on him and he never ****** with me again because he knew I was not afraid, regardless of the imminent *** beating he could've served me..Good Luck

    More excuses.

  2. There are alternatives to having a fight...

    How about getting a restraining order (or an Apprehended Violence Order) for starts?

    If he is making threats, report him to the police!

    If he makes threats after the restraining order, have him arrested.

  3. kono michidesuka? ....... kanashii!!!!

  4. Brandon is wrong, you are not underweight. It's just that so many people are overweight, if you're actually a healthy weight, you might be seen as underweight!

    America has alot of fat people.

  5. look all these people are giving you advice and thats cool but they are telling you to use techniqes that will not work if not properly trained on, and by what you said you have no such training. so what you have to do is stick to the basics.

    let me ask you a question. have you ever seen a small dog eating and a larger but younger dog comes over and the smaller older dog growls and snaps at the larger younger dog, then the larger dog backs off. its called being an alpha male. physicly you are bigger and can beat him at a fight but through fear and intimidation he is being alpha male. trust me when i say a fight is the least thing that he wants. he just wants to look tough. what you have to do is IMMEDEATLY establish dominance.  (most people like him are too immature to understand someone not wanting to fight and see it as weakness)  and because you didnt IMMEDEATLY establish dominance it is going to be harder to gain and will require a drastic approach, and ill tell you what you should. do. the next time you see him you need to...

    make sure you do not show fear even if you are scared, putting on a mean face will help, try to stir up pissed off feelings about him, this will help and will put you in an "i dont give a d**n" mood which will give you more courage,  (like you said, you know you will fight him some day its just a matter of when, dont let him decide when and where, if you start decide, you will be more prepaired) then when you see him next dont say a word just walk up to him and punch him in the face, dont tell him "im gonna punch you in the face"  just do it and dont stop hitting him untill someone pulls you off.  if you do stop he will have time to gain his thoughts and begin to fight back, but if you dont give him a second to breath he wont be able to regain his bearing . by doing this, it WILL establish you as the dominate male (alpha male) because it shows that you are not afraid of conflict. trust me, im writing you from iraq and in the special forces we are trained, that when faced with conflict you MUST establish superioraty. this lowers you enamies moral and will to fight, thus giving you a distinct advantage combat. these rules apply in any conflict no matter how large or small

    he is being that little dog dont let him, act fast, act first

  6. If it's a street fight then there are no rules. Do what ever you got to do to survive. Think about the movie Friday when Ice Cube used anything around his surroundings as a weapon. Just use things around your house as a weapon. I'm sure you know her own home more than he does. He won't be as familiar with the house as you are. Kick him in the balls too. You might want to pack maybe a tazer or pepper spray to get yourself an advantage. If you have time, visit the library or a bookstore and look up some moves since I'm assuming you won't go train.

  7. keep him away from you.  jab, kick his lead thigh, jab, kick his lead thigh, jab some more.  If he closes the distance, grab the back of his head in a muay thai clinch and swing him left/right as you bounce your knees off his face.  If he shoots low to take you down, SPRAWL and use your hands to keep his body away.  If he pasts your hands, dig an underhook or two.  Keep sprawling.  if he is inevitably going to take you down, pull guard and control his head and an arm.  try a scissor sweep.  if that fails, maintain open guard  and get a strong OVERhook with the arm opposite of the direction you were going to sweep him while the sweep-side foot plants into his hip, your other leg goes over his back, and push against his sweepside bicep with your free arm (do all this while being on your sweep-side hip, not flat on your back).  bring your sweep-side knee towards your face and under his arm, and clear your foot.  Swing that leg around his head and set up the triangle choke.  choke him out.

    easy, right?

  8. This is a legal problem and you are trying to make it a martial arts problem. If you haven't been training for years no one on here can give you anything other than opinionated nonsense in regard to how to direct two strangers how to fight. Believe me it is hard work for a skilled instructor to teach someone to fight.  As you can see by the first few answers already you will get some questionable advice.

    Your Girlfriend is the one in danger here. She clearly has a stalker. She needs to get a protection order from the police. This jerk clearly won't take no for an answer and move on to >>>> greener pastures. This is the kind of behavior that will someday lead to at best Jerry Springer or at worst the 6pm news. I hope your girlfriend is concerned and not taking advantage of the attention. I don't know you or her but she must be willing to do what it takes within the law to get this jerk off her back for her own protection. Men like these frequently turn into abusers. Shoring up their insecurities on abusing weaker people often wives girl friends or children.

    Mean time you can get to a good martial arts school and learn some self defense.

  9. well if you cant avoid it then fight but if you can just leave, leave.

    if you have to fight then remember there are no rules in a fight its not like ufc or any of the fights you see on tv like UFC etc which have rules. so take advantage of whats around you even if you have to throw dirt in his face or what ever do it then aim to take out his knees and then leave he cant chase you(well at least not easily) if you hit his knee hard enough. also groin is good aswell.

  10. if your girlfriends not around and he atacks you just kick him in the nuts.........or just try to learn boxing on youtube or something sorry i cant help

  11. i wud advise avoiding it....but seeing as u hav little time to learna complete martial art i wud suggest hitting him in the solar plexus (base of the sternum wear the ribs seperate) that will wind him if not seriously incipacitate him temporarily. whilst hes immobilised its up 2 u. but i wud avoid the fight at all costs.

  12. mm, props to you for avoiding this situation...if it were me, he woulda been knocked out a long time ago :P

    But you clearly have a huge reach advantage on him...USE IT!! although you arent trained to do so, there are easy things you can do.  Lets suppose you are right handed, fight in a normal stance...left leg forward.  Just throw out your JAB (straight left punch) when ever he gets close to you or once he hits you...that will keep him away.  Also your pushkick, which is literally a straight kick, right in front of you mainly used to push him away.  And if you hit him in the gut, it may wind him aswell.

    Keep your hands up AT ALL TIMES.  Without gloves on, you will get knocked out/dazed easy as pie.  it will be hard to think about in a fight.  but that is one thing my instructor stresses on us HELLA...keep em up (in MMA/boxing) Also protect your stomach and be very weary of the kick to the balls....

    You can also kick him in the balls ^_^

    Practice those couple things (minus the balls kick, taht would be hard to practice) and you shoudl do fine, like i said, cause you have so much more reach.

    If you do fall down, get the **** back up.  like someone else said, watch videos on Youtube or something of some techniques.

    Best thing over all to do tho, is just keep on goin like you are goin, and dont get in the fight...only fight if you have to.

    Hope this helps,


  13. next time he threatens you get right up in his face and tell him to stfu or do it.

    he'll probably turn around and walk away. i figure if he was really going to do it, he would've by now.

    question...why the h*ll is her ex boyfriend coming over to her house all the time at all?

  14. Quite frankly there isn't much you are able to do. A few people have noted that you can't use these techniques people have mentioned without the proper training. As far as Dog00's advice.....that will put you in jail. I have family in SF also currently deployed so I mean no disrespect but this isn't a battlefield and you're not fighting terrorist that are trying to kill you. You have other the police, continue to attempt to avoid the situation, etc etc......get help bud. If you have to ask here for help to fight then you will most likely need real help.

    Best of luck!

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