
Street flooding in Venice?

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We were told by friends to bring older shoes to Venice due to the streets flooding at high tide. Any truth to this or are they just pulling our legs. Thanks for your replys




  1. in certain areas there is flooding during winter rainy season tho special boardwalks are placed for walking on to get from place to place.  you need high rubber boots, or yes, older shoes that you don't care much about.

    if you go in other seasons no problem.....

  2. High tides are from about November to March or so. Old shoes aren't going to keep your feet from getting wet though. Raised walkways are set up along the main thoroughfares when the city floods... so you really don’t get your feet wet. If you are in Venice when it rains then, like anywhere else in the world, and if you have holes in your shoes then your feet will get wet.

    Knee high rubber boots are necessary if you want to wade in parts of the city that get flooded and no walk ways are available.

  3. Yes, it does flood in the winter during high tide occassionally. Sometimes, it's just puddles in Piazza San Marco. If there are storms and tidal surges in the Adriatic coinciding with the high tides, it can get quite deep. I've been in Piazza San Marco when there has been water above my knees (I'm 6'3"). It's pretty easy to find pictures; for example: and a good video here:

    It's real, but not everyday and the flooding is gone when the tides drop from the peak. The city puts out raised walkways during the high tides. Some hotels provide waders. There are lots of shops that sell them. Think of it as part of the adventure.

    There was no flooding during the day the days I was at Carnevale the past couple of weeks.

  4. Well, I'm Italian and I study in Venice. Flooding is a special event that happens abot 20 times in a year. It depends from the moon and also from the level of the sea and canali (and also from the rain ande the season). It happens specially in November or in February, normally in Winter. When there is flooding there are different levels, it dependes from the zone where you are. Piazza San Marco is a place where the water is higher. There are in case of flooting specially gangway, platform overe there you can walk. When it's particularli flooding,not in all Venice you can find theme, only in most visited places. Well, water is high, not as it's raining, but more higher, so don't wear old shoes, but rubber boot, as the boot of the fischerman. In case of flooting, the steamboats don't work, becase the bridges are low for so much water! There are some special sign when it's flooding: the sirens ring abot 2 hours before. There is also a special service for peole who live or study or work in Venice, "servizio maree" (service for flooding". Look at this site:

    there are some picture: when water is higher than 80 centimetres, there is flooding!

    For the boot, you can buy them in Venice, everywhere in case of flooding for about 10 €, so about 7 $, more or less.

    Have a good stay

  5. They are not just pulling your legs. It is true.

    Old shoes would not help. I was there in November, I was using clear garbage bags and robber band to hold them up.

    Some stores sales plastic clear toll boots.

    St.Marco square would have small 'bridges' installed

  6. My girlfriend who is from Padova near Venice just told me that it usually floods in the fall. I'm about 20km from Venice right now and it was a beautiful day. When it rains and floods usually you won't want to go outside in old or new shoes because it is so bad but like the person above it depends on when you go. Everytime I go, I wear my nicest pair of shoes and have never had a problem except drunk Americans throwing up on them. So, she is not pulling your leg but just saying what she may have experienced once or saw in a movie. Floods only happen about 2 days out of the year anyways. Hope this helps.

  7. No worries for flooding in this period.

    I've lived in Venice all my life and flooding (literally translated 'high water' = 'acqua alta') happens mostly in October/November, because of the Moon, not much because of the rain, mostly because of high tide + Scirocco wind blowing in the same direction as the tide so that water comes up easily from the Lagoon.

    It's pretty much sunny at the very minute. No way high water is gonna happen soon =)

    Just in case, if you're worried about it - but it won't happen! no way!, we sell plastic boots to use upon your shoes, or directly gum-boots. The first ones are not much expensive.

    Also, there are warnings features such as a really loud sound (such as the one police, ambulance or firemen do with their car) and there is a prevision-bureau you can call to be told about the next tide.

    Venice is not 'even' - I mean you can find higher and lower part of the city, cause the pavement goes up and down with the islands the city is built upon. So in some areas (such as San Marco) is more likely to have high water coming up (it not even rare, much normal but easy to avoid - like ponds rain leaves on the soil) and in some others it doesn't come up untill the whole thing is half-submerged. In particular areas we always have 'ready to go' some benches you can walk on.

    Take it easy and enjoy you trip...

    Hope this helps.

    Hope to see you around soon =P


  8. We went to Venice in Sept. 2006 for 4 days and two out of the 4 days we experience the high tide. I was wearing an opentoe sandals and I was fine since they do have planks of wood all around when the water is high you really don't get that wet. Although, I wish I did wear a close toe shoes because the water in Venice is filthy and disgusting. The smell too gets bad when the tide is high. I can only imagine what it would be like when it rains.

  9. The streets arent REELY flodding.....there are still streets to walk on! So you dont HAVE TO bring old shoes!! Plus, if you were to go in the would be by boat!

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