
Street/jazz/hip hop classes?

by Guest67088  |  earlier

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I'm starting jazz and hip hop classes next month..i already do street which i enjoy a i have a few questions...

1)do u think the two new classes i am gonna start are good options.....and do u think three lessons a week is too muchh,to little or just the right amount?..

2)do u think there are the right amount to become good at dancing and enter competitionss and successful?....

3)if i have the dertimation and passion what cud i do in later life to do with the kind of dancing i do?

4)How do i get noticed in dancing?

anyone has any tips to be succsefull I would apprecite it in the kind of dance i do!!

sorry about the spellings

thanks for any responses





  1. Start with ballet. I don't care what people say, unless you are already a gifted dancer in a different form of dance... start your formal instruction with ballet.

    If you want to get professional work and you are not a naturally gifted dancer then you must know basic turns, spotting, and how to find your center in any audition.    This is how dance auditions weed out the non trained dancers.

    I'm not saying you need to be a ballet dancer but that is the foundation for Jazz, Modern..etc.   Take 2-3 sessions of Ballet and take other forms of dance from DIFFERENT instructors.

    Be sure to check teacher credentials.  I can't tell you how many times I've gone to studios to start taking dance again and the instructors are high school drill team kids.

    How to get noticed - dance from  your heart.  Don't focus so much on the mirror but rather focus on getting "into" the music.  When you find that the music transcends you and others can feel what you are expressing .. then you will be noticed.  Also always be humble and take classes from multiple teachers!!!  If you shine, the instructors/choreographers will remember you.

  2. i think you made good choices and 3 lessons a week is just right to become a better dancer.

    you can become a dancer in broadway shows or las vegas.

    if your good you'll get noticed in your competitions.

    best of luck to you.

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