
Street kids vandalizing property?

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We have a problem with some kids from a nearby project running around unsupervised in our condominium complex and vandalizing property outside our condo townhouse units (break and overturn garden furniture, break fences, try to enter into toolsheds, etc). The kids are around 7-9 years of age, and we know where they live. What kind of recourse do we have? Are such small children, according to law, even supposed to roam the neighborhood totally unsupervised, like a wild pack of rabid dogs? Can you offer any advice?




  1. You should call the police. They can be punished for the crimes, if not their parents can be. It might sound harsh but think about what these kids will grow into if their behavior goes unchecked. Just being placed in a cop car may be enough to scare them. You can also call CPS. Say that you're worried for the kids safety. Let them know the addresses of the kids & what hours they usually roam around.

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