
Street lights going out?

by  |  earlier

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For as long as i can remember 90 -95 percent of the time when i am driving at night a street light goes out as i pass under it. Sometimes whole billboards or signs. Its so prominent other people notice it!Why?!

Also i generally have large groups of little birds around me wherever i go! they are usually black and on dreary days they make TONS of noise. (i know this could be bc they are saying a storm is coming) Who is sending these birds?

Im quite puzzled because ive been able to feel spirits and ghosts around me since i was a kid. I cant talk to them but i know how they are feeling, yet i cant pick up what is around in these 2 situations.

Insight please!




  1. Well, there is a theory that might explan some things: When a spirit wants to manifests itself (show itself) it needs energy, which can be found in electricity.

    Also black doensn't always mean evil. But my friend did have a funny (because it's so weird) superstition. If you're in a group and you see a black crown then someone will die. (she loved saying weird thing. Mostly on camping trips)

    But a bird might be your farmiliar. Try searching up on what it it. I haven't found mine, but most people have them, so yours might be a bird.

  2. lol denie...

    yes its called a SLIder phenonemen, if you look this up you will find your answers...its not paranormal...usually happens when your energy is high, like angry excited etc when it happens take notice of your mood, and even get out of your car and walk under them like i do, and see if they all start blinking....its quite amusing......

  3. What took you so long to get here???We've been waiting for you !!!! lol

    There's a girl on here called kel333. This happens to her a lot too...the lights. There's also a group site that studies this and wants to know about people  this happens to. I can't think what this "phenomenon " is called. I'm sure Kelly will eventually come on and tell you . I think she's traveling at this time. Hopefully she has a laptop and is still in touch with us.

    I don't have a clue about the birds. Maybe they're hungry and you're supposed to feed them. Or maybe you fed them once and now they think you're their daddy...(or mama) (I can't tell from your avatar or your name which you are.Care to tell us?)'s called Slilders like Kelly said. (We have a restaurant/bar here named Sliders.Hmmmm>)

    Edit...John B...Birds don't follow ME!!! (Only dogs and cats and our ducks!!)

  4. The light thing.  I see that all the time.  I am sure it happens to everyone, even though I have never really asked.  It has something to do with static electricity or something.  Nothing paranormal.

    I also seem to blow light bulbs when I turn them on.  Again I am sure it happens equally to everyone else, the place I live in has bad wiring, I guess.  Some blow more frequent than others.  Now I have switched them all over to the energy-saver kind and haven't had to replace one yet.

  5. this happens to me two... very rarely will it be more than one at a time but it has happend... sometimes i can tell if it is just a bad light but other times i just freak my self out... i don't think that it has to do with your moods though because i am usually moodless when i drive by myself.... and what is stoping a electrical blackout when i get really mad?   it is so cool to finally find someone that goes through this strange thing that i go through.....

    and the crow thing happens to me too.... the Counting Crows named there band after a little tradition of sort that when you near a bunch of crows you should count them and it will tell you something like death or love.... idk look up counting crows story or myth or something

  6. Could be a multiple of explanations :( some in which could be a coincidence like alot of people are saying.... Like i always say i am a skeptical believer and debunk what i can before i can label anything paranormal.......

    and denie are you trying to talk about Electric people phenomena

    Ryan ~Paranormal Investigator/Researcher~

  7. Street lamps contain gas which is heavier than air. When they lose enough of that gas that the gas doesnt hit the element, they will start going on and off. When the gas hits the element it ignites the gas and it comes on for a few minutes, then the gas settles and the light goes out. Since we all see them going on and off, some people have written books saying this is evidence that there is something special about you. Of course this is silly, as its just that the bulbs are old, and need to be replaced.

    Huge flocks of small birds are also very common. They arent following you around. Some small birds are territorial during nesting season and will group up to try to chase off potential predators. They see you as a threat to thier eggs or chicks. They arent following you around.

  8. maybe its your car

    and some ionic signal thingyyyyyy

    try another car and see if it happens

    or maybe

    your magic...................................... :O


  10. Wait a second!!! Are you saying that every streetlight you pass by goes out, and that streets go dark as you drive down them? Come on! What is the real percentage? Street lights go out all the time, not just because you are near them.

    Do these birds follow you inside? Do they follow you while you are driving? I hope you realize that birds are everywhere and they are not there just because you are.

    It sounds to me like you are taking common everyday occurrences and convincing yourself that they are somehow special because they happen to you (even though they happen to everyone all the time). I wouldn't worry about it -- unless these spirits/ghosts start telling you to do things that you don't want to do or you start to get paranoid.

  11. This is nothing more than confirmation bias and a very fruitful imagination.

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