Strength of Spirit (if you can think of a more fitting Title...?)
Cleave not, tempest, to my wistful brain.
Fair thoughts should nourish a wholesome mind.
Fight; take flight from the falling of the rain.
Through willful despite does happiness feign
with apocryphal airs and strength refined.
Cleave not, tempest, to my wistful brain
Though ardent fortitude at last did wane;
as a shattered spirit becomes confined.
Fight; take flight from the falling of the rain.
Swelling melancholy sodden with pain
will not acquiesce to thoughts maligned
Cleave not, tempest, to my wistful brain
Curse all ill affect and unwelcome reign.
Let hope illuminate dark thoughts that blind.
Fight; take flight from the falling of the rain
Through love and kindness fair thoughts we attain
Seek solace in the souls of all mankind.
Cleave not, tempest, to my wistful brain.
Fight; take flight from the falling of the rain.