
Strength of love for child

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My daughter is now 14 months old. Sometimes i look at her and the love there is so strong it almost hurts. She is so precious I sometimes almost wish i had never had her, it would be too painful if anything happened to her. I suffered from PND in the early months and didn't really bond until she was around 7 months. Can anyone else relate to this?




  1. Yep - know just what you mean. For the first few months of my daughter's life there were times I felt as if I were looking after someone else's child for them and at any moment she would be leaving. Thankfully I'm over that now. Every (normal) mother loves their children so intensely that many of us even torture ourselves imagining dreadful scenarios and how we would react should anything happen to our precious babies. I think this is quite usual, being a parent is such an enormous burden of responsibility but one we bear gladly, to have it taken away from us would render life meaningless and unbearable. You will question this love less as time goes by, I know I have, but I still clearly remember the feeling.

  2. Oh yep - I think we all go a little emotionally insane when we have our babies lol. I remember cuddling my son when he was just a few weeks old & crying because I was thinking 'in a few years, I'm not going to remember quite how this feels, how he smells, what he looks like." I think I am going crazy some nights because I am imagining all sorts of terrible things happening to him (and trying So hard not to, don't know where these terrible thoughts come from!) or he'll be with someone else and crying desperately because he wants me & I get this awful feeling thinking How would he cope if something happened to me & I wasn't here anymore - how long would he cry before he forgot me?

    My son is now 10 mths old & I couldn't imagine life without him. He is SO frustrating sometimes, but I still want to hold him forever :) Every time he does something new it is kind of bitter-sweet - I love watching him grow & change & learn, but for every new thing he is less & less a baby (eg, when he finally got his first tooth at 9.5 mths - it is SO cute and I'm excited for him, but at the same time I am going to miss his gorgeous gummy smile...he will never have that again!) and I can't help being afraid of the day he's 14 & tells me he hates me lol.

  3. Yes I can, as I said previously, love her and enjoy her and all will be fine. I sometimes feel I love my little one too much and would not cope if something happened to her. I feel all parents think the same. Take care.

  4. I have let the fear of what would happen if I lost her get to me already and my little one is only 6 weeks old!! More than that I have had more tears come to my eyes thinking about what would happen to her if something ever happened to me!! My fear comes from losing my mother 2 1/2 years ago!! I hold her everytime she cries bc I think about how bad I wanted and cried for my mom when she died and she couldnt be ther but I can be her for my little girl so I always let her know that momm is here and loves her!!! Its just motherly love I guess!!

  5. Yes definately. my daughter is only ten weeks old and i feel the same way. If i look at her for too long i get teary. my hubby is the  same way.

    the day she was born he came home and started balling his eyes out over a commercial. (that one in auatralia about safety at work with the little boy nwaiting on the step with a ball waiting for his dad to get home from work.. anyone know it? )

    you really  dont realise how much you can love someone until you have a child.


  6. I can definitely relate! My love for my Daughter is so, so strong. I look at my Daughter and I get all teary-eyed because it's such a strong feeling of love and it just overwhelms me. I don't know what I would do without her and if anything ever happened to her, I would die. She's my World, my Heart, my Soul, my Everything.  

  7. I have exactly the same feelings towards my 5 year old son.

    You never know how much u can love someone until u have ur own kids.

    I am constantly worrying about him and it makes it worse that he doesnt live with me...He lives with his mum but I get to see him a lot.

    It would kill me if anything was to happen to him

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