
Strep B and the risk to baby?

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Im 38 weeks pregnant and saw my doctor today and she told me I have tested positive for Strep B. At the time I didnt think much of it but after doing some research Ive discovered that it can have very nasty consequences for babies. Im scheduled for a c-section in 2 weeks as I have had a previous section and the doctor said I didnt need to worry too much. But all the websites Ive checked have said that having a c-section doesnt prevent infection. Needless to say Im now very worried and will be calling my doctor tomorrow as its night time here in Australia.

I was just wondering if anyone has had strep B and had a c-section with/without antibiotics and what happened? Was the baby ok? Did you end up with an infection? I need a bit of reasurrance!




  1. My OB tested me for Strep B recently, too (I was negative for it) but she told me with a c-section it wasn't really an issue as the little one would not be traveling through the vaginal canal and I would have antibiotics due to the surgery anyways . . .

    I would ask about antibiotics as part of your c-section.

    Best wishes!

  2. Strep B for me is a big deal. my 3rd child passed away from what the corner said was S.I.D.S. however she had a temp of 106 f. which isn't a part of classic S.I.D.S. she was four mths and 21 days, which when i questioned the docs said that this was past the age of Strep B. it has been almost 8yrs later and 3 preg later that I push for the antibiotics. Now for c-section or not I'm not sure all my kids and been born vag so far. but personally i don't see why that you can't have the antibiotics if it will make you feel better, they don't harm you or the baby. if I was in your shoes I would ask for them.

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