
Stress/Anxiety all day (serious help only please)...

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I recently had a breakup with someone I loved very much and have been getting feelings of stress/anxiety all day long. From the moment I wake up to the moment I go to bed I feel like my whole body is shaking. I am normally a very healthy person who workouts and eats right.I really don't want to go to the doctors and get any prescribed medications. I am hoping to be able to overcome this myself without being medicated. What are some remedies I can use to help cool me out and calm me down?




  1. I had this same problem.

    I completely cut out all caffeine. So no tea/coffee or fizzy drinks. As this makes you feel so much worse. You could try St.Johns wort which is a herbal remedy. I also didnt want to go onto medication from the Doctors althought I did pay him a visit which made me feel better just being able to talk to somebody about it.

    I hope you feel better soon as I know how horrible this feeling is. x  

  2. Take 3 deep breaths through your nose, and release slowly through your mouth.  This begins the calming of your nerves.  Get your mind occupied with something that interests you to alleviate thinking about what happened to you.  Then start taking long brisk walks, concentrating on the scenery.  This will give your body more energy to cope with your grief.  Surround yourself with happy people as often as possible to get your spirits lifted.  Remember, you are going through a grief process and time plus what I have recommended will get you on the right track.  I wish you luck and more joy in your life than sadness.

  3. I used to have terrible separation anxiety.. and I still do.  Attempt distractions- such as relaxing in a warm lavender scented bath, or find a thrilling novel to read. Also attempt to live as if nothing happened. Go to the movies, have a party, have a sleepover, anything fun to get your mind off of this. eat when your are hungry, and for now.. you can eat whatever you want ( within reason), like if you want chips- eat chips... if you just want cereal for dinner-- then do it :) I hope you get better, llok to friends and family for help

  4. You still need to go to the doctors-you don't always need medication, the doctor-as long as he rules you healthy-he could recommend a therapist, etc-nothing is wrong with going to a therapist to talk it out-the don't force you on meds. My daughter has OCD and I am finding that just talking with someone who has knowledge-can give me great insight into OCD and it is helping our family greatly.

  5. You can go and see a counsellor who will give you some techniques to deal with your anxiety (that doesn't involve medication). You might also find that your anxiety reduces once you talk to someone and get your troubles off your chest.

  6. cardio, and other strenuous excercises, are an amazing outlet for anxiety...try a warm up to some very upbeat music, and then push yourself to the point of hard heavy sweating until you feel like all your muscles are burning, really push yourself, till you physically feel exhausted....then take a hot shower and sit in a dark room for about 20 minutes with a drink, ice water or some tea, nothing stimulating. the whole process hsould take about an hour and a half.  if you treat yourself to this every day or every other day, your anxiety levels will fall, swear.

  7. well i like to say im a christian and today the pastor said dont be depressed over anything and just pray and god. and when ever you feel depressed just say this prayer:

    Taking Authority over Your EmotionsEmotions are an area that many Christians don’t understand. Because of this, Believers often allow their emotions to lead them. As a result, emotionally-led decisions take them on a course that is out of the will of God for their lives. While God gave every human being emotions, it is critical that we get control over negative emotions and subject them to the Word of God. Make these daily confessions so that you can subject your feelings to God’s Word and make the right decisions:

    Heavenly Father, thank You for giving me healthy emotions. I declare that negative emotions will not impact my decisions, neither will they dictate my responses to difficult circumstances. I will submit my feelings to You in every situation that I encounter in life. You have given me authority over the power of the enemy, and I declare that nothing shall by any means hurt me, including people and situations that try to negatively influence my emotions. When I feel overwhelmed by life, or troubled by negative emotions, like Jesus, I will pray and keep moving forward. I bind depression, anxiety, worry, fear, doubt, anger, rejection and any other negative emotion that tries to attack my mind. I possess power, love and a sound mind. I thank

    You, Father, that I walk in peace, joy and the comfort of the Holy Ghost. I have the mind of Christ and my emotions are controlled by the Word of God. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen

    Scriptural references:

    ·Mark 14:33-35

    ·Luke 10:19

    ·2 Timothy 1:7

    ·Romans 14:17

    ·1 Corinthians 2:16

  8. Hi, I am the author of

    Do not worry, I am not spamming my site - my site don't sell products or anything. My site is solely dedicated to panic-attacks or people whom have anxiety. I give tips on how to sleep even if you have anxiety.

    Please do visit and post any questions there or here so that I can help you further.

    I have been a sufferer for 12-years and am doing well. My blog is dedicated to help. I will be updating my blog every 5-7 days on new ways to cope anxiety. I have just made few good entries on coping - I hope it will help you.

    I started out taking prozac 20mg daily.. then it dropped to 10mg and now I am just taking 5mg and still doing very well. I might be considering taking medication off my life.

    And most importantly, I am here to help you because I know how it feels to have anxiety or panic attacks.

    I have just posted a new entry and uploaded some good files for you to do some relaxation.

    All the best,


  9. it is truly a mental process. I went through the same thing only it lasted a h**l of a lot longer. Unless you really want to calm down, nothing will work. Talk it out...cry it out.  

  10. Loss of this kind basically leads to a grief reaction which takes months to resolve. All kinds of anxiety states can be experienced during this period and its best to stear clear of medication unless the symptoms start interfering with your job and relations. Regular exercise coupled with good friends whom u can frankly talk to helps resolve grief much earlier.

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