
Stress fracture on tibia.. what can i do while i wait?

by  |  earlier

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i have to take off nine weeks because of a stress fracture in my tibia.

i'm a sprinter, season is over but i don't want to lose my shape. can i still work out my legs? if so can anyone give me examples?

i know how to work out my core and my arms but what about my legs?




  1. I would first recommend speaking to a doctor or other health care PROFESSIONAL. You may get great advice here, but this is only advice and shouldn't be taken as the gospel truth.

    If it is a stress fracture I am guessing you are not in a cast.

    I have heard of people getting great results with water running. If that is not an option you may want to try biking.

    There are also elastic bands that you can attach to a stationary object to use as resistance training. You may get a great quad workout that way.

    Once again you really need to discuss options with your doctor. Hopefully you have someone who specializes in sports medicine.

    And remember unfortunately not all doctors are good doctors, so you might want to get a second and/or a third opinion.

  2. i feel you..i was out all of my indoor season due to stress fx on my shins. The things i did with my PT were elliptical workouts, aqua jogging and weight training... I didn't do anything that involved hard impacts on my leg. And most importantly ice massage your shins everyday for about 7min and stretch.

  3. well work out the other leg (leg lifts..bicycle machine..other machine's idk) and do crunches pushups if you can to work out your abs and upper body. lift waits as well. just go to the gym and take a look around you. and take it easy after these nine weeks are over!

  4. there's no way to work the leg that is fractured.. because there is a cast going from your toes to your knee.. this means no flexing of the lower leg muscles at all..

  5. When I had a tibial stress fracture, I was able to do the elliptical and eventually the bike (in spin class).  

    Take this opportunity to cross train and find some other interests.  I enjoyed hot yoga while I was out - you work up a really good sweat.  Just avoid anything in yoga that involves jumping and let your instructor know that you have an injury.

    Better to take it easy now and be able to make a full recovery sooner than s***w around and try to do more than you should, and remain injured.

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