
Stress of being away from child? How to cope?

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Right now we are in the process of moving and I still have to work out of town about 2-3 days a week. I leave my son, crying in his dad's arms and tears come to my eyes. I get in the car and try to think about other things. By the time I get to our old apartment (that we are moving out of) I have calmed down, but the next morning I get up for work with nausea, upset stomach, etc. At first I thought it was something I ate, but it has happened the past 3 times I came down here to work. I only have to do this 2 more weeks. How can I get over this? I don't intentionally make myself feel this way, it just happens. I hate it. Advice? What would you do?




  1. It's really hard to be away from those you love, while trying to close up loose ends for a move and coordinating all sorts of other issues for relocating.  Mommies usually take separation anxiety harder than the little ones.  When you get off work, do something nice for yourself to help destress, like a bubble bath and a good book, or take a walk to help unwind.  Before you realize it you will be back on a regular schedule with your family.

  2. I can totally relate.  I get up 5 days a week and leave my son with my husband.  For a while I couldn't get myself to leave and cried the whole way to work.  Finally, my husband and I worked out a solution where I call him at lunch and talk with our son.  It really helps and I don't feel like I am abandoning him.  I haven't cried since.  It is still hard to leave, but it gets easier.

  3. Love sickness. I don't know how you do it. But knowing that it will only be for two more weeks should help a little.

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