
Stress test while pregnant?

by  |  earlier

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I am 24 weeks pregnant and my cervix was thinning. I went back to the doctor this morning and everything looked great according to the doctor. I have to go back in 2 weeks for a stress test. Does anyone know how these are done and what they are looking for? Any good websites about this test? Thanks.




  1. I am currently 36w 6d pregnant with twins and from week 32 on, I had weekly non-stress tests.  It was one of my favorite appointments!

    I got to settle into a hospital bed, they put a fetal monitor on my stomach to monitor the babies heart beats and other monitor on my uterus to watch for contractions.  No pain, very comfortable, you get to hear the heart beat . . . they also brought me fruit juice to get the little ones moving - my appointments were between 30 - 40 minutes long and were very relaxing for me!

    Here is link for you:

    Best wishes for a happy & healthy pregnancy!

  2. I had to take the non-stress test...I wasn't feeling any movement for like 2 days when I was around 32 weeks...They put 2 round monitors on your stomach and strap the down...One is to track the baby's heartbeat and the other is to see if you are having contractions....I had to be on the monitor for about 25-30 minutes....everything was fine though....hope this helps

  3. As per my understanding your doc is sending you for NST(Non-Stress Tests).for that the nurses just gonna check your baby`s heart beat & movements by putting your on the does include the pelvic exam but i think its too early for you.

    Hope that will work for you.

  4. When I was pregnant I started doing stress tests at 30 weeks. I would go twice a week first time I would be hooked up to a machine for 20 minutes. The machine would keep track of heart beats and I would have to push a button...sort of like a buzzard on jeporady, every time the baby moved. They usually wanna see 3 rises that is in their range while the baby is moving. Don't be alarmed though if it doesn't babies are good about wanting to sleep through this. Sometimes they will gave something to drink to get baby going. Then the second visit would be an ultrasound to see how growth was going. Basically, they are makeing sure the baby isn't in any stress.I have heard too that it cna indicate if their are any problem during labor but am not too sure....good luck and congrats. no worries

  5. Is it a stress test or a non-stress test?

    I had 2 non-stress tests when I was pregnant with my first child. All they did was hook me up to a fetal monitor for an hour. It detected his movements & my contractions.

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