
Stressed...Need advice!?

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I am 35 wks pregnant and my parents (as well as my inlaws) live in a low class neighborhood (same city). In the past 5 yrs I've had 7 accidents and 6 happened in that city. It overall has a lot more crim and reckless driving. This Saturday I visited and my mom and I went to the store nearby where a lady was driving really fast infront of the store and almost ran over some pedestrians and myself and my mom in the car had I not stopped on the break. Then I parked my car in front of their house and a drunk guy drove by hit my car along with other 20 cars all around the block.

It really scared me to the point where I said that I wont drive in that city anymore unless I absolutely have to.

Its my mom's first grandchild and I think it hurt her feelingbut I don't wantot risk my life anymore especially while I am pregnant or when I give birth.

I don't know what to do I love spending time there but I am so scared now...

Any suggestions?




  1. I would think they would understand where you are coming from and want what is best for you and their grandchild.  I agree with another poster, why can't they come visit you for a few months?  Granted with a properly installed car seat, your baby should be o.k in a little bump in, but I wouldn't want to take a chance.  Citizens have been known to help improve neighborhoods.  You might be able to help your parents and in-law with the help of their concerned neighbors to start with a little research on net on things that can be done.

  2. Very pathetic indeed, just have a chat with me, I think I will demolish your stress, communicate by mail

  3. No matter what city you live in, and no matter what the traffic is like, you can find a way to enjoy your short drive, or long commute to the office and in fact enjoy stress free driving.

    Do what it takes to put you in the mood. If soft music or rock and roll is your thing, then so be it. Listen to the kind of music you enjoy, just be aware of the mood your music creates.

    Secondly, don't set yourself up for failure by rushing everyday. Allow yourself extra time in the morning where you don't have to rush, drive fast, and lane hop to get to where you are going. Put your self in the stress free driving mode by being able to arrive early to your destination.

    If a cup of Java, tea, or hot cocoa relaxes you and is a part of your morning commute, have an organized routine where you have everything you need to pick it up before walking out of your door. If you are really organized it might be you might have the kind of time management to stop at your favorite coffee shop in the mornings to get the coffee of the day. That is one of the perks to good time management, you are allowed to create the reality you want everything and still enjoy stress free driving.

    Books are tape are another great way to engage in stress free driving especially if your drive is a long one in a busy city. There are meditation tapes that are made especially for drivers, as well as music that is made specifically to create calm in intense environments.

    Another thing that contributes to stress free driving, and is probably mostly psychological, is in driving a clean, clutter free vehicle. Our cars reflect our homes, which reflects our lives. Don't keep trash and papers in your car; keep it orderly so that you enjoy the time you spend in it.

  4. you have all the reasons to be really afraid. you're risking not only your life but your child's too. if it's that risky going in the city, why not ask them to visit you instead. surely they will understand. by the way, your parents are lucky to have a daughter like you. i'm sure your child will grow up in an environment full of love

  5. grow up and put your big girl panties on

  6. Preferably better not to take any medicine if you are pregnant.lie down whenever you feel the stress/ you can ask your mother or your husband to massage your forehead and scalp at that time. Watch some nice cartoons or listen to some soothening music.If you have a beach bearby you can relax by looking into the far side of the sea in the evening. Or you can buy an aquarium and gaze into it.

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