
Stressed! With K12!?

by Guest45128  |  earlier

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So I got too k12 or Caliva

Its a virtual school.

Well I called in because my mom usually just has me type in my attendance, never have entered the wrong thing so we figured its fine. Anyways it wasn't working so I figured the system was down. Well I called in after 2 days because the next day I would be considered truant for no attendance. So I call k12 and there rude as always. I just said I was my dad so I could get some answers. Well there like so and so needs to call in becaus there the mentor so I say ok, and call back like 2 minutes later, and there like well you just called, and then my mom called for real and they said i BREACHED SECURITY! I laughed so hard! Because all I wanted was a registration id to set up my account for attendance that got deleted because there system is a mess, anyways they were trying so hard to get me in trouble with my mother. So they send her an email with the registration id and guess what it doesn't WORK!!

Just a rant really comments are welcome




  1. Well... K12 is public school... What more do you expect?

  2. That's funny!  I hate dealing with customer service reps.

    Hope you got everything sorted out!

  3. This is a perfect example of why I am not using an online charter type school.  Just like being in public schools you are still at the mercy of the administration!!  Time for you and your mom to look for a curriculum with a lot more flexability!!
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