
Stressed out Can anyone help?

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I'm 14 and i feel really stressed out! i got all these family problems like breaking up problems and school problems as well i just want to feel relaxed once and a while but when i start to feel better something else happens. Sometimes i get so frustrated i just sit and bawl my eyes out any suggestions? Thanks




  1. Do some meditation, go outside and scream as loud as you can, do the can-can or cha-cha, play a concerto, and also YA-YA.

  2. hey im 23 and when i was your age i was kinda the same - what i did was talk to someone (school canceler) that you can trust with your problems - make shore you don't starve your self - i think ova time you will think all the problems you have will make you see things clearer for the future.

  3. a bubble bath, relaxing music, candle's. JUST RELAX!!!

  4. Find someone to talk to!!  If you can't talk to family, find an older family friend, or school counselor.  I never could talk to my mom when I was younger, so I would confide to a neighbor who was "motherly" towards me, and it really helped.  She kept it private between us and I always knew I had someone to go to.   And a good cry never hurts either...just let it out.

  5. i am always stressed out too

    many teens are like u and me with the school,family, and pressure...

    don't worry try calming down and just know that your not the only one

    why u are sad or fustrated go online and talk to friends or online people like me or do something u like(a hobbie) and maybe u will feel better!

  6. Go out with some of your friends. and have some fun.  your much to young to be stressing over things you have no control over.  learn how to clear your mind so that you can cope with the rest of yourself that is to come.  

    good luck....hope I helped some...

  7. your best bet is to find a close friend, relative, parent, or school councilor to talk to.

    you are too young to be stressed out.

    feel free to im or email me anytime; i am not on everyday but if you need someone to talk to i am here


  8. I get frustrated like that too sometimes, and once in a while it's good to just let it out.  Otherwise, try listening to your favorite music or playing an instrument because it'll take your mind off of the stresses in your life.

  9. i'm betting you feel better after you cry.  theres nothing wrong with it its a natural human instinct.  i had these same issues, but when you talk to someone, anyone, it really helps.  

  10. i know what you mean, just find something good&productive you could take your anger&stress out on.

    hope this may have helped. =]

  11. Hi Tyani

    Well what can I say, Hormones are mentioned a few times in the replays along with relaxation tips. In your post you mention that it seems a constant series of events & issues keep arising causing you more stress.

    Some helpful tips to help deal with your stress is

       1. First of all try setting up a relaxed environment for yourself such as your room, a park, or any other place that makes you feel calm

       2. Try listening to a favorite song, or watch a movie that you think that would calm you down

       3. Think about all the things that are making you stressed and try seeing them in a better light.

       4. If it's a problem like a fight with your friends, or parents or anything else social try talking to the person. once you solve the problem with them you'll feel like the weight is off your chest.

       5. Take a walk out in the fresh air. walk down the street, or even with your dog in the park. a lot of times walking relaxes your body and gives you time to just think over things.

       6. If your stress is a result of too many things to like homework, after school activities, work, try organizing things and a day schedule.

       7. Try sleeping more or taking a vacation for even just one day

    Try avoiding things that you know that might tic you off or make you stressed.



  12. I am a single mother of three daughters and one son..daughters are 13,14,18 and son 23...To answer your question i have had my two younger daughters go through something very similar to yours...I think there is a few things you can do and that is...try and open up to your mother or your father if you how you are feeling and be honest, if you feel thats not possible, then try and see a councillor at your school...If they are a good coucillor they will help you deal with this stress...You are too young to be having stress in your life at this stage...Life is full of ups and downs. and at this present time you need to be trying to concentrate on your school work and getting great grades...Try to find a good set of friends that are positive and are there for you too...I wish you all the very best...Keep positive and I hope I have been able to help you out...Don't forget it is all ok to cry...crying is very healthy for you... take care. My girls have been through alot with there dad and I breaking up...But I have worked very closely to my girls and they are doing great, school is perfect and they have a great social life with their friends...but I do spend alot of qualitiy time with they teaching them...bye

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