
Stressed working in Singapore - which job have more flexibility in working time.. but also have great income?

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Actually this is my first job in Singapore. I'm working in the manufacturing company as a Production Planner. I feel so stressed out, because the workload is too much.. Almost everyday we have to work until 11 pm or 12 pm. Although they pay us for the overtime.. I really feel this is all not worth it, as I don't have any social life anymore during the weekdays. On top of that, my superior also the "screaming and scolding" type - which added a stress point in my daily work. Colleagues from other departments - such as buyer, logistic and production also horrible.. They always blaming Planning departments for most of the case. In the end, after 10 months working here -- I decided to resign. Are all the job environment and bosses in Singapore is like that?




  1. No, not all employers in Singapore are like what you've described.  When I lived there, I worked for 2 very different companies.  The first was similar to what you've described.  I practically lived in my office.  I had ZERO social life too.  To make things worse, my boss was a big ****** and some of my colleagues liked to "play office politics".  I finally left after a year.  My next company was a total opposite.  Almost everyone was honest and genuinely nice.  My boss was open-minded and forward thinking.  Oh - I was SO much happier.  There was still a lot of OT to do, but I managed to squeeze some social life too.  

    I know how depressing and helpless it feels coming from a toxic place like that.  (If it makes you feel better - I married my colleague from my first workplace in part due to the lack of a social life! *lol*  To this day, I refer to him as the best bonus that company ever gave me!)  I'm writing this long-winded story to reassure you and to say "Don't lose hope".  You will find something better eventually.  

    As to your main question: Which jobs have a flexible work time and pay well?  Off the top of my head, I'd say teaching or tutoring and insurance!  My friend's husband was a ft tutor for many years and he was drawing about S$3000 a month.  Problem is the unstable income and the lack of benefits.  

    Perhaps the real question you should be asking yourself is - What job will make you happy?  And truly, as rhetorical as that sounds, that is a question only you can answer yourself.

  2. NOT all are like what you experienced. Its a matter of what environment and self awareness you put yourself into. Its not uncommon for production related job like yours to see that scenario. Working till midnight is, no doubt, a little too much. Try another line... I've heard of poor/bad bosses but only the odd few screams and scolds.


    ..........if u r just statring working , don't work too hard ................ relax ...........................

    u sound like u don't like ur work OR  ........................... u r not use to in ur work yet OR ..................u r working what u don't interest OR  ........... can't  give any interesting coz of too much stress for ya......

    anyway that is only stress for ya if u get to do what u don't want to................. so.................... take more time think about it  ...............  ....  Hopefully you can find out ............

    ( i felt the same with u b4 ............... everything i do is just stress for me....... so... just give some advice........... )

  4. Singapore is an excellent place for setting up your own business.  Why not consider going on your own after doing research on what you can do to achieve the flexibility in time and greater income.

  5. I'm an 18 year old Singaporean and I completed my internship in some local company about two months ago.

    I'm not sure if every job environment or boss is like that, but it seemed like most are.

    The company I worked in had workers staying past midnight every single day and the only thing the workers could claim is taxi fare. And I think that's totally not worth it.

    Another thing was the bosses were stressed out easily, which was probably why they're the screaming and scolding types. They think it's good management to yell and scream to get their way but it's not.

    Try looking around other jobs in Singapore. I'm sure there are other opportunities for you. :)

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