
Stretch Marks After Pregnancy?!?

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Hello imm wondering if most women get stretch marks during their first pregnancy. And also keep the baby wieght around their tummy?





  1. I got a few stretch marks not too many.But then again I didnt gain too much weight.

  2. Most women yes unless you are very young with good skin elasticity. Other than that I recommend Bio-Oil and Palmers Cocoa Butter Lotion. Baby weight will stay for awhile unless you were underweight to start with (not good) but hit the gym, do lots of situps after baby and you'll regain your pre-baby bod in no time.

  3. I used coco butter the whole time  I was pregnant but I still got a few stretch marks. As for the weight, I lost most of it, but  I don't think I'll every loose that extra skin on my stomach : (

    Oh well, it's worth it!

  4. well ha i have them my sis in law has them plenty of ppl have them buuuuut not everyboddy gets them my mom is 36 and has 6 kids and has not 1 single stretch mark i know amazing so freakin jealous

  5. i did!!! and theyve gotten soo much worse with this pregnancy~o well--theres nothing you can do about them... =)

  6. i did!

  7. ya, you won't care after the baby's here, lol.   Anyway I used cocoa butter but I still got a few.  I didn't even see them until the baby was born because of where they are.  As for the baby belly, you only keep it if you don't put in the time and effort in to loose it.  I do my pilates DVD and mine's almost gone 10 months later.  But I admit it is hard to find the time and energy.

  8. for me totally, i've had three kids, but after the first one, i had stretch marks on my belly, butt, and legs. and after the other two the stretch marks got stretch so now their like wide as a babys finger thick on my belly, its real hard to get rid of almost impossible. and i still have all the baby fat, the only way for me to  lose that  is to have plastic surgery

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