
Stretch mark cream and severe acne and oily skin cause of pregnancy?

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What kind of cream can i use to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy because i already have so many from my last pregnancy when i didnt use anything and also i ve gotten pimples like crazy and i feel so tempted that i pop them and i get horrible scars and my skin feels so oily and grose all the time and for some reason i always feel very hot,like heat flashes or something whats worse is that i live in florida at 100 degresscelcius right now and i cant even go outside cause if not then i get worse oilier and worse pimples and scars. but even when im inside with the ac on i still feel like a hot flash at times its scary i dunno what it is i start sweating a bit and everyhting .

So what can i use for the stretch mark cream, the horrible acne,the oily skin, and to erase the acne scars on my forehead chest and back.

I usually dont have acne and stuff like this when im not pregnant i know its the hormones but its still annoying but i wanna make sure its products i can use that wont hurt the baby




  1. ermm stop getting pregnant?  

  2. Im sorry but I forgot the name brand that I used to use for stretch marks. But Its the brand with a tummy outlined on the bottle. But Its different for many women. Some women get zero stretch marks and some women get the really bad ones up and down the whole stomach. I had none up until the last month of my first pregnancy and I got some crawling from the bottom of my tummy and I was spreading that lotion on every single day. I have a feeling I will get more during this second pregnancy. I also tried many different face washes... your hormones are crazy when your pregnant... nothing really helped with me.  

  3. I suffer from the exact same and I also live in florida .... I'm using biooil and as for my oily acne infested face I've tried everything.... :(   I put honey on it when I take hot showers but it helps only a little

    Edit: You mentioned you already had stretch marks as do I but i used BioOil and it truely helped to lighten them not magically prevent them and make them disappear

  4. A ten-year acne sufferer myself, I will show you how I cured my acne condition in 3 days the natural way, saved myself from further scarring, and stopped wasting my money on expensive medications and over-the-counter products!

    For, More Information,  

  5. either u keep the nasty oil on or have nasy stretch marks dont itch them whatever you do it makes it worse .. i know its nothing u wanna hear but .. its the truth ...  as for the acne .. they have some bleaching cream at drug stores  ask them they will know what ur talking about but im telling u 100 % it works when i was little i got bitten in the face by a dog and now its gone it only took like 3 months and u cant see any of the scaring that had happen .and u might try useing the bleaching cream on ur stretch marks it might faded them a little .. ......

    Also i dont know if u still have the acne problem but they have a kit by netrogena its kinda of alot of money but if u go to the website they give you 5 dollors off so i mean anythings better then nothing ... but any ways in the end we are all going to get old and not be as cute as we once were so try the stuff im telling u to .. and i promise it will work ..  heres the neutrogena website ...

  6. acne and oily skin is because of the hormones during pregnancy.

    too bad you live in florida. drink a lot of water. it will help your skin a lot.

    stretch marks is when you grow too fast for your skin to catch up, and if your skin isn't stretchy enough. moisturize your skin A LOT to prevent stretch marks, especially in areas like your hips, thighs, b***s, and belly.

  7. First of all, no matter WHAT anyone tells you, NOTHING can prevent stretchmarks besides NOT gaining weight...Which is impossible during pregnancy. If your genetic make up has stretchmarks, you will get them no matter what, if you are not pre-disposed to get them, you won't. It doesn't matter how many oils or lotions or creams you use. Women who do not get stretchmarks can thank their genes, not bioOIL.

    As for your acne, I suggest using some Witch Hazel. I had it very badly and I started to use witch hazel and it started to clear up.

    But the oily skin...That just sometimes goes with the territory of pregnancy, some women get super dry skin, and some get super oily skin. Just make sure you are washing your face with a gentle cleanser every day.

    Desiree - Are you insane? She can't use bleaching cream! She is pregnant!

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