
Stretch marks, and bikini shaving question?

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I have stretch marks and I bought like cocoa butter lotion and how long should I use it before I see results? I use it every once and a while but I haven't seen any results. I don't have money to buy expensive stuff. Any suggestions to something that is a reasonable price but can produce results?

Okay, how do I shave my bikini area without getting bumps?

What are the factors that contribute to those red bumps?

And does drinking water more often help with clearing acne?




  1. I have stretch marks too...what I've noticed to work is just any generic moisterizing lotion... put it on twice a day, morning, night, after shower...yeah. :)

    And I get those bumps too :( Razor burn sucks.

    Anddd, I havent noticed water helping my acne...but i have hardly any and i have kept it that way with a mixture of mild soap, apricot scrub, and a moisterizer (with no oil in it)

  2. for the stretch marks - apply some Vitamin E oil (highest potency willing to pay for), Aloe Vera gel, Gold Bond Ultimate Lotion.

    for the razor bumps - Aloe Vera gel, Gold bond Ultimate lotion, neat essential oil of Lavender.

  3. to help keep my bumps down after shaving my bikini area I use bikini zone. It a cream and I think I got it at Target.

  4. The best thing for scars and stretch marks and everything like that is Bio Oil. It's amazing! It got rid of scars on my face! Its this orange oil stuff and i put it on at night before going to bed and it worked so well. You can get it in any chemists and it's about 15euro give or take but it's worth every penny!

    Also, the reason you're getting those red bumps is because your shaving. The skin is so so sensitive around there so they're unavoidable. The best thing for it is to get a home waxing kit because the bumps are from new hairs growing back up, and the skin is so sensitive that it shows them really obviously. But if you feel you really can't wax yourself then buy a really sensitive lotion like cammomile or aloe vera and that might help them.

    Drinking water can't do any harm so give it a try. The only real cure for acne is growing out of it, but the process can be sped up, by eating well and exercise and water, etc. Some of my friends went on the contraceptive pill to help their skin and that seemed to work too.

    Hope I helped!

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