
Stretch marks where i really dont want them...?

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i didnt want to get stretch marks on my belly so i have been applying those lotions, creams, etc. Well, i guess i didnt think this through because i got them on my b*****s, and none on my belly. i didnt even think i would get them there. is there anything that makes them go away? i have been using all the preventative stuff. Thanks!!!




  1. nope and actually your very luck because those creams don't really work.  some people just don't get stretch marks on their belly.

  2. unfortunately, then wont go away..they will go smaller and lighter..

    Sorry =( I know it sucks !

  3. really sorry for you... they won't go away... you should check your tights and your butt area, because that are stretchs too.


  4. No, there isn't anything that makes them go away. They'll fade a bit but will still be there.

    I thought I was lucky too... then I got them on my belly at 37 weeks. They just sneak right up on you!

  5. If you have stretch marks before you get pregnant chances are you will get them on your belly later in your pregnancy. With my first i didn't think i was going to get any because i was so far along and i got them at 38 weeks, and had 3 weeks of my belly growing more i was over due by a week, i hated them at first and i hated looking at them, but they faded after about 6 months and i still wear a bikini, i don't care what others think i had a baby, everything will be ok if you get them you go there from your little one and they are worth it

  6. I have TONS on my b*****s. It's really gross. I also have none on my tummy.

    This is advice from my husband of all people - lol. My husband has been to a few plastic surgeons after a terrible accident and they've given him advice on breaking down scar tissue (of which stretch marks are).

       - RUBBING the area is the key. The doctor said that it doesn't matter what you rub it with (coco butter or not) if you rub the area it can and will reduce the appearance of scars. Other than that it is just time.

  7. I didn't get them on my tummy either, but I did on my b*****s, hips, butt and thighs. It's amazing too, because I was HUGE. I have twins this time and still none on my tummy. I've been using creams and lotions on all these areas and I think you're just going to get them where it's genetically determined. They'll fade later on, but it's something we women just have to deal with. Congrats though!

  8. In the U.K we have an oil called bio oil. I used this all through my pregnancy on my belly and b*****s and it reduced the stretch marks. it will make them less red and more skin tone color. Bio Oil. Its great!

  9. It's been 8 months since my daughter was born and I still have them on my b*****s, thighs, belly [and used the lotion through out pregnancy]. They fade after a while, but not as much. I want to try Prefer On [one of those annoying commercials], it couldn't hurt.

    But I'm also in the same boat, so good luck!

  10. It really depends on each woman. For ME my stretch marks have faded drastically but are light gray and I have a hunch they are there to stay! :( You can try to use Vitamin E oil on them, and that MAY help reduce their appearance. Vitamin E oil helps build healthy skin cells, so it's worth a shot... plus it will moisturize your skin with no harsh chemicals and things that are in creams and lotions.

    You're lucky, I have stretch marks ALL OVER my stomach, and on my b***s, my thighs, tush, yikes... everywhere it seems!  

  11. i am on my fifth child and i have stretch marks also you can get stretch marks cram from super drugs and also bio oil which is quite good

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