
Stretchy clear discharge? Am i pregnant?

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for the past 3-4 days i've had discharge..

its clear and stretchy.. there isn't ALOT of it.

i noticed there was more of it today than yesterday when i wipe..

the last time i had s*x was july 13, and it was protected. (it was 2 days after my july period ended.), and had my period august 5-8.

(yes it was DEFINETLY a period..not vaginal bleeding or spotting.)

But i know women have discharge when their pregnant,

so i was just wondering if i could be pregnant..?




  1. So you are 3-8 days away from your next expected period, right? OK, from what I understand there is usually a heavier discharge while ovulating (ovulation is when your body "drops" an egg and has the highest chance of that egg being fertilized by sperm). Most women ovulate about 14 days before their period...pretty much right in between periods for a few days. SO, the discharge that you're experiencing COULD be because of a really late ovulation, but I doubt it.

    I've been pregnant twice and never really had any increase in discharge, however I have had an increase right before my period. Every woman is different, so you should really take a pregnancy test. Good luck. :)  

  2. Sounds more like you have a bladder or urinary tract infection. Go to the doctor, they'll have you pee in a cup and ask them to test it for pregnancy as well. I'm thinking you've had unprotected s*x...

  3. maybe you are ovulating...especially if its clear and stretchy like..but to be on the safe side about the cramps i would take a pregnancy test...because when i had period like cramps and no blood i found out i was pregnant! take the test!....

  4. That sounds like ovulation discharge. One of the signs of ovulation is a clear, stretchy discharge and since it's a couple weeks after your last period it would make sense that you're ovulating.

    The discharge with pregnancy is usually whitish and runny.

  5. Pee on your keyboard so we can tell you…or you could take the simpler route and get one of the tests they make to answer this.  

  6. Well i didn't discharge but i was getting cramps and was not bleeding... You should go buy two test. Take the first one right away and like in about  two weeks take the other one. It may not show in the first one but you will really find out when you take the second test. Thats what i did and the first came out negative and the other came positive.

  7. No it's probably not a UTI, your urethera would hurt and there would be pressure on your bladder-you would know if you had a bladder infection, theyre painful!!!! Plus, THERE IS NO DISCHARGE WITH A URINARY TRACT INFECTION!!!! It's a possibility you chould be pregnant-there always is with unprotected s*x!! Take a test and find out!

    Good Luck!

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