
Strict Tae Kwon Do teacher?

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I know TKD teachers/masters are supposed to be pretty strict. But today we had to do 80 of those squat-bounce-back-up exercise things and after I couldn't feel my legs (I cheated 10 of it by pretending to rub the back of my ankle) and I asked for a drink and he told me no.

But I was sooo dehydrated and I was getting kinda dizzy...




  1. There is a difference between being strict and being an ***. Your instructor is an ***.

  2. u know u can accually sue him. Because he denied u water when really needed. Just reread the contract your parents signed. U can seriously get injured and sprain your thight or calf or ankle. Just 1 ? for u. After that day did you ever experience any pain the day after? oh ya hees a %#@$=+   @$#    %$#@

  3. Well that is a hard answer. technically nothing is supposed to interrupt a class but some times you have no choice.

    As far as the exercises go just do your best they will not get mad if you cannot keep up or do them all yet being your third class.

    Now dehydration is another matter, that should always be allowed for the safety of every one In my eyes.

  4. it's not like water is an absurd request. he really should have let you get water, and if he didn't you should have just gone yourself.

  5. My tkd was from korea! and is world renown and survived the korean war!  my other karate teacher told us circuit training and makes us to 100 pushups and like 75 situps daily!!

    btw, those  squat-bounce-back-up exercise  things are called burpees...


  6. TKD is about kicking, and strengthening the legs will give you more power in your kick and also give you better kicking techniques because you can perform your kicks much easier.

    If your instructor denied you a drink during the exercise, then , it is understandable, because they could be thinking that you are being lazy and trying to get out of it by drinking and taking a break. Also, it can interrupt the class or the morale of the class, when every one is just about to do some hard core training and you are the only one taking a drink.

    But once the exercise finished you should be allow to get a drink and to take a small break while drinking.

    Also, you have drink some water before the class start and drink some more during any breaks. Be better prepare, as each instructors have different rules.

    Also, think about it, if you are in a street fight, you can not really tell your opponent to give you a break to get a drink. So, you have to think about those situation. But dehydrate is not good for training either, therefore you have to make a judgment call.

    I got kicked in the groin one time during sparring, i could have stop the sparring  to recover, but i did not, because i took my sparring seriously and try to make it as close to street fight as possible and on the street my opponent will not give my a break when he got me in the balls. Anyway, i pretended that it did not hurt, and i moved slightly forward and gave him lots of indications that i was just about to attack him, i was pretending to get really aggressive, and so he was expecting an attack from me anytime. Needless to say, that attack never came because i was just buying time to recover from the pain and i tricked him and put pressure on him. He did not attack me, because he thought he was being attack. Anyway, once the pain was gone, i ressume normal sparring.

    Moral of the story, sometime it is ok to suffer a little discomfort, it will make you mentally stronger.

  7. tkd??? omg thats so 80s

    try MMA instead.

  8. sounds like kreese from karate kid.yeah he sounds like a d** i train kickboxing, and muay thai, and no offense to any traditional training but is far more strenous than a few squats and my coaches always honor the fact that i need fluid replenishment.if you're getting dizzy your body is saying "that's enough"and you need to ignore the "*** in front of the class"and get some also need to consider a new school.

  9. Then call him on it.  Say "Just because your my instructor does not mean you get to dictate when I need a drink of water."  What I would of done was work harder when he denied a drink so you pass out and he gets in a lot of trouble.  I use to have a track coach like that until someone passed out and he got in trouble and it gave him a pretty good wake up call.

  10. i agree, buck up or go to tai chi...which actually isnt much easier. just slower.

    seriously..he may have had a reason. maybe he wanted to see if you'd obey and be respectful or something.

    dont do anything STUPID and CHILDISH like make yourself pass out. or be a p***y and sue him. what a load of c**p. everyone wants the belt rank, but they dont want to put forth the effort to earn it. its about discipline.

    the world is full of sissie's who have no idea of 'bitter training'...try doing forms barefoot in the snow. or breathing exercises barefoot in the snow with no shirt on. or doing sanchin kata and having an 8th dan kicking and punching you at every step. try sparring til you drop, then doing it again simply because you know itll make you improve. ..granted it is something you work up to not start with, but you get the idea.

    the martial arts are supposed to make you tough. suck it up and you will get tougher. and youll be all that much prouder of yourself for doing it!

    alot of schools have specific times they give breaks.

    you didnt quit and thats the main earned a bit of respect. and you pushed your limits!! this is good!! keep it up!!  you'll be surprised at what you can do with a bit of motivation.

    its also about respecting your instructor..he may have been testing you. its also about knowing when you can ask for a drink of water. not in the middle of an exercise.

    its kind of like interrupting him while he's teaching. it's just rude and disrespectful.

    id say you did good, just keep pushing and dont quit...soon those squats will be nothing to you. after all...what doesnt kill you only makes you stronger.

    ignore half the girls, and lil kids who tell you to sue him cuz theyre sissified, and life has them spoiled with cell phones and american idol. thats whats wrong with the world, people would rather sue someone for a bunch of money than get a job and earn a living honestly. its the same here, people want to go to class twice a week for an hour and think they're gonna be great martial artists.

    maybe ask him next time why he told you no?

    afterall...he could just be an *ss like some have said.

  11. Itz alright on my first 2 classes i started crying but my instructor was really nice... my classes go for 2hours twice a week.

    Safety should always come first. If you do feel so bad like your health is in danger you need to tell the instructor, if you just ask for a drink he may just think your slacking off.

    then again they try and push you to go for your lmits and assure ou that you dont know your own limits.. but its okay.. as it goes on the hard instructions will get easier as your body gets used to them... also it'l get you looking hot!

  12. Talk to him. Tell him that the workout is a little tough for your beginning classes. Ask him politely if he could tone it down a little, or ask him if you can take a breather during the workout if you feel sick. Workout on your own at a gym, and make sure to do cardio workout. If you workout on your own, the workouts at your tkd school will begin to seem easier.

    Also, suck it up, no pain no gain. You have to push yourself if you expect to get anything out of it.

  13. Thank your lucky stars. In the sea of McDojos you may "MAY" have found a good school.

    I only wish they worked everyone like that at every school, it would make for better competitions.

  14. Your average TKD class is 1 hour.  Of that hour, about 40 minutes is usually cardio related, and there is usually some rest.

    80 squats should take no more than 5 minutes.

    Unless you were already chemically dehydrated when you came to class, you were not in any danger.  There are physical signs that someone can usually see when someone is undergoing heat exhaustion or dehydration.  You were probably dizzy from too many spinning kicks.  

    People usually ask for a drink or to go to the bathroom to take a break from the work they are doing.

    Toughen up, I'm sure you eventually got a drink, but even if not, can't you go an hour without a drink?  

    Too many TKD instructors are too soft these days.  I usually respond to the whole class "we'll have a drink break for the whole class in 2 minutes, please wait if you can."


  15. for the first part bout ur details. don't worry about the squats, i do 100 every time i go to kung fu. now, about the second part; he crossed the line by denying u a drink. 1st off, he should have let ya'll have like, a 1 or 2 minute water brake to prevent dehydration. o yeah, no offense but ever since i was 6 or 7, we have had to do 100-200 squats a week.

  16. Not enough info! You already admitting to cheating! Kinda dizzy will not kill you, buck up or go to a Ti Chi class.

    This sounds like whining! You have to read into these questions! How long did you have to go without water? What you described sounds like warm ups! When do you normally drink water? I know when we break to rest and drink. Our instructor (6th Dan) gives us two two breaks in a two hour class, my mothers instructor  who lives in another state (true 9th Dan) gives one break in a one hour class. What rank are you? You may not understand how class works. I am not going to sit hear and say poor you without ALL sides of a story.

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