
Strict Teacher for a subject i find hard?

by  |  earlier

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I'm getting this really strict teacher this year for a subject which im not very good at. He gives you a detention if yuo get low marks in a vocab test for languages how can i explain to him that im not very good at this subject without him going mad




  1. Talk to him alone

    and try extra hard to do better.

    maybe read more books in that subject area.

    :) good luck

  2. If he can see you are trying your hardest he is unlikley to treat you unfairly. He probably gives detention to students who mess around and don't try then get low marks. If you make sure you do the work and revise and try as hards as you can not only will you improve but your teacher will see that although it's not your strongest subject you are putting the work in and trying your best.

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