
Strictly speaking, males are HE, females are SHE. Castrated men or eunuchs can be called IT???

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Strictly speaking, males are HE, females are SHE. Castrated men or eunuchs can be called IT???




  1. Castrated men and eunuchs are still male, just because you have had part of the male organs removed doesn't mean you aren't a man anymore.

  2. Or 'castrated men'. Does a woman after a mastectomy or hysterectomy or who has her ovaries removed stop being a woman?

  3. Don't be silly.

    Castrated MEN should be called he/him.

  4. says WHO?

    they can be called what they want to be called.

    once a boy always a boy...

    unless they want to be called a girl...

    err or an it?

    but honestly what human wants that???

  5. This is illogical as the gonads don't determine the gender of the individual nor the appropriate pronoun to use for this individual.  For example, following a total abd.hysterectomy/bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy, the woman will still be referred to as "she" since her DNA hasn't changed, only her gonads, uterus & oviducts have been resected.

    I can only imagine that referring to her as "it" would be offensive.

    Likewise a male who has undergone resection of one of both gonads secondary to irreparable injury, necrosis or seminoma (for example) should still be considered a man and would likely be offended if referred to otherwise.

  6. Why so many questions about castration?

  7. I cant figure out what you're implying but let me put it this way. Any man would castrate only if they were forced to due to any circumstances. In most cases, these circumstances would be unfortunate such as a disease or accident or injury. Calling such a person "It" would be extremely degrading and serve only to hurt this person over and again.

    Even if a man were castrated physically or chemically for a s*x related offense, they should not be termed as "It". Calling them "He" would remind the person of his lost virility and the reasons for which he lost it.

    Admitted, there are cases where men opt for castration voluntarily because they have issues related to their gender or some hormonal imbalance. In such cases, it's up to that person on what they wish to be called...he or she or it. Most castrated trans-genders would wish to be called a "she' because psychologically and physically, they bear more resemblance to a female rather than a male.

  8. No, I think a male is still a male even if castrated.  He's still a man even if he's had bits cut off.

  9. Does it identify as male? Then it's a he.

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