
Strings hanging off fish?

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My beta fish, normally very healthy, has a few spider-web string like things hanging off his back and a few fins. He's not acting any different than usual, still peppy. Any idea what it is, and how to treat it? Thank you!




  1. it's p**p

  2. its a bacteria

    check out

  3. i do not know but you should ask someone at pet smart or something.

  4. That is a fishes p**p. Or they could be a parasite.

    This site will help you resolve the problem:

  5. They're parasites.  Adding some anti-parasite medication should kill 'em.  I also add some aquarium salt to my betta tanks, and that much lowers the incidence of infection.  Try buying some aquarium salt and adding it at the concentration of four teaspoons per ten gallons.  

    Here's a website with pictures.  Do you recognize the parasites shown here? There are many different types of parasites, but they general look like you described, string-like things hanging off the fins.

    Add some salt like I suggested, and head out to your local pet store to buy some medication rated to treat "external parasites."  Your fish will be fine.  If you want more information, you can read this:

  6. It just might be p**p.  

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