
Strip Clubs cheating? Do you agree with me?

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There are naked women there that put their "parts" in mens faces...cheating. So many women are ok with this though. If u walked into a room on a normal day and saw b***s in ur mans face, it wud cheating so what's the difference? (and yes i mean even if the b***s arent touching your face)

also: 4 ladies who DO agree (men will not cuz they're all pigs and have testosterone) would you would you dump or divorce your husband/bf if he went to one?

and dont act like lap dances are any better...theyre worse actually cuz shes rubbing her naked body against him (i4got to add tht lol)

jeeez i am never getting married dont want to be hurt like tht lol




  1. i wouldn't say it's cheating but it's definitely wrong if you're married. I wouldn't divorce over that...but it would take me a looong time to get over it and he'd probably regret doing it just cuz he'd never hear the end of it

  2. its not really cheating, cheating is having ### with another person. i go with my husband only because he's coming home with me. but everyone is different.  

  3. not only is it cheating. but it's for losers!

    you work hard for your money, to simply slip it through a g string? come on people. get  a life.

    the only one that is laughing all the way to the bank is the stripper.

    the sad part is that the poor su(ker doesn't have money the next day to take his gf, fiancee or wife to breakfast. and he's got one heck of  hangover, cause he had to keep buying and drinking drinks otherwise he would have been kicked out of the strip joint.

    sad huh?

    so yeah, it's cheating and it's for losers (whether rich or poor)

  4. I think that it all depends on how the "couple" feels about it. If one thinks it is cheating and the other doesn't, then I do think that the one who feels it is cheating should be respected in how they feel. If I did something and I thought it was fine, but my husband felt it was a form of cheating, I would quit what I was doing. It wouldn't be worth it to me to hurt him.

    If both feel that it is okay to go to strip clubs, then I think that is fine because in their eyes, no one cheated.

    Me personally? Yes, I would feel cheated on if he did that. I wouldn't divorce him, but I would let him know how I felt and I would expect him to respect that.

    Since it seems you feel the same way, you just might talk to the one you will someday marry and let him know that this would really hurt you. If he is a great guy, then he will respect that. Take care.

  5. when somebody is shoving naked b***s in your face it doesn¨t mean u re cheating. it means someone is shoving naked b***s in your face. period. and about marriage and strip clubs - not all men go to strip clubs. mine doesn't. we both don't even know where those strip clubs re. and i personally feel ashamed for those women who need to shake their naked b***s to get some money to buy food. this is pathetic

  6. How old are you ..12 ? Have you ever been to a strip club ? That is not cheating. If you're that insecure you're going to have a miserable life.

  7. Is it cheating, Yes and No, if a husband goes to a strip club cause he wants to or cause he isn't getting enough at home. Then yes it could be considered cheating.  However if a man goes to a strip club for a friends bachelor party or "guys night out"...then no it is not cheating.  The man just like a women, need there own lives there own friends and there own thing....Further more if he is going to strip club chances are he isn't going home to anyone but his wife....If he goes to a bar or a club, well then chances are a lot better that he is actually going to be with women.

  8. I don't consider it cheating, because it's a place of business and he's not actually getting any, but I would be upset and he would be sleeping on the couch for a while unless it was a bachelor's party.  My relationship with my husband is a wonderful one and he doesn't go to strip clubs.  The reason I would be upset with him at a strip club is simply for the fact that he would be getting enjoyment over seeing other women naked.  He's married and with me and the only nakedness he should see is his, mine, or anyone else's as long as I'm there enjoying it with him! I'm not insecure, I just think that married men shouldn't see other women naked, it seems wrong and if they wanted to be able to see more than just one woman naked for the rest of their life then they shouldn't have gotten married, or they should have married a more open woman.

  9. YES because he is lusting after another woman........The Savior taught that even when a man looks upon a woman to lust after her, or in other words, when he lets his thoughts begin to get out of control, he has already committed adultery with her in his heart (see Matt. 5:28;

  10. This is why women aren't being taken seriously, still.  For every reasonably intelligent woman I see on here, there are 50 emotionally charged little girls, like you.

    Too dumb to be able to differentiate between entertainment and a real life sexual / emotional exchange.

  11. its at a club, not a private place. the ladies are after money. the men a cheap thrill.(most of them). May be you should check out a male strip club and compare notes. If he comes home to you after spending the evening at a strip joint and he wants to get busy with you.....get busy girl. dont get all paranoid that he is thinking of her when he is sexing you up. just give him your best lovin' (h**l, fanatasize about someone else if you want to). dont turn him down and be all pouty. I think there needs to be some research done to determine what deems "cheating".  

  12. Not my thing; if is was just a b/f, no problem, but a husband doing that would be, for me, unacceptable.

  13. I have very stong views on this and if a man/women is doing anything physical, emotional, mentally toward their partner with someone else then it is a form of cheating, unless the partner knows about it and feels comfortable with it...

    Just because a man is a man and a woman is a woman doesn't mean they forget about respect to their partner and to the relationship as a whole...  

  14. No , I don't agree with you.

    Grow up.

  15. it wasnt so much the fact that he had b***s in his face, as that he gave her "our" money. so no,, i wouldnt call it cheating, just stupid.

  16. I think it depends on the amount of trust you have with your husband or boyfriend. My marriage is solid. I trust him completely. He doesn't go all the time. Once in a blue moon when some of his army buddies are in town. It doesn't bother me, cause you know what he's coming home to me. To me its not cheating. Its just guys doing guy things. I suppose you think p**n is cheating too. Thats just me though. I've been told i'm not like other wives.

    Oh so I don't agree with you :)

  17. Are you PMSing  or something there's nothing wrong with strippers have you ever heard the saying LOOK BUT DON'T TOUCH you can't touch strippers so how can you class going to a strip club cheating and if your the one your man comes home to at night then you would be getting the advantage of him having had a good night unless you think that's dirty

  18. My boyfriend went to vegas for his bday with his friends (all guys, so i didnt want to be the odd "man" out) and he went to a strip club. I mean, strip clubs where im from dont always have the prettiest girls, but vegas!!!! I wasnt as mad about the strip club, BUT then i asked if he got a lap dance.... he said it was paid for already and he told her he had a gf.. like she gives a flying ****!!! I was so pissed that i broke up with him. but i talked to my friends about it, guys and girls, and the guys said its no big deal, he goes home with you anyways, and that he should get credit for telling me he did.

    Honestly, I would much rather he lied to me, theres no way I could find out. I really wish he lied to me about that though. But its such a slap in the face that he actually got the lap dance, he could have gotten up to go to the bathroom, i mean seriously, hes 26, he has a mind of his own, he can make his own decisions if he really meant that he didnt want the dance. i call bullshit.  

  19. not everyone that stips is doing it just to have money to buy food. some people actually enjoy it, like the attention they get, and do like the money. But they arent just to eat. Its what they enjoy doing. they very comfortable with themselves.  

  20. If a man is married, and gets his sexual gratification anywhere else other than his wife; then yes he's cheating.

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