
Stripped crank thread on bicycle?

by Guest61346  |  earlier

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The crank thread on my bicycle is stripped and I cannot get my pedal to attach. I attempted using JB Weld and it was unsuccessful. What should I do?




  1. buy a new 1 m8

  2. its screwed bud sorry to tell ya

    im a tech and i see this lots

    its S****y i know but there isnt much you can do besides r-tapping the crank but its risky  

  3. Forget the bogus advice you've gotten so far.  You can fix this yourself with a Helicoil.  Any good hardware store sells them.  I've done it several times.

    When you say crank thread I'm assuming you mean the pedal thread in the end of the crank.  Write me if that's not correct.

    Yours is probably 9/16" but be certain you get the right measurement before you purchase.  Also, it's important to know whether it's on the drive  (right) side or the other.  The left side is reverse threaded.  Not knowing this is what causes a lot of people to strip them in the first place.

    Links below include a youtube video on how to do it.  This is a snap for anyone with basic mechanical sense.

  4. get a new one fitted, may also need new pedals.

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