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So i want to become a stripper... what do you need to do to become one?




  1. go to open floor dances - or ameteur night at the club - it's like an audition - then apply for a job. good luck ♥

  2. Zero self esteem,  be willing to be treated like a piece of meat, fake b***s, no self need alot of things.

    Do something better with your life...go to college, get a better job. You are worth more than that.

  3. i guess i'll be the only one not to answer negatively, if you really want to do it then, learn how to dance, be in good shape, and have fun.  Try seeing if you can get someone already in the buisness to help you out and seek advice from them.  Good luck with what makes you happy.

  4. Get rid of you soul and self-respect.  Worship money as a god.  Delude yourself into thinking you will just do it temporarily and not become a prostitute, or maybe tell yourself it's respectable or that you are just earning enough money for college.  The key is getting yourself to believe that nonsense so you can live with yourself.

  5. Look don't listen to what everyone else tell you about respect and all that.i say if you got it then don't be afraid to show it.make sure that you can work it with or without a pole and maybe learn a little something from another stripper,someone whos good at it.

  6. you dont have to do anything

  7. You need selfesteem, confidence and respect for yourself. Don't listen to others, strippers are not whores. They have a job and are good at what they do. Also you got to love the job that you have and be thankful you have one.

  8. Fake b*****s and low self esteem.

  9. nothing.. know how to dance S****y.. go to college instead!

  10. You need the IQ of a four year old and every surgery you can get.

  11. most amateur nites have other strippers form other clubs working. if the place is slower and not so high end, they may hire you just based on how you look to managment. others places want you to audition. you need to be in devent shape (you don't need surgery). guys like all types of girls...not just the stereptype fantasy stripper. you will need a couple sets of clothes, some chunky shoes, maybe a friend to help show you....lots of courage (not the liquid kind...although it's tempting)   ( the newbie board is great)

    Have Fun and be careful.

  12. k heres what you do. YOU DONT!!!!!!! God says that is wrong and that you should cover yourself with clothes.

  13. heres some advice. just dont be one! i mean think about it. a guy would look at u just for ur b*****s and booty. im sure ur better than that. try just being a regular non stripping dancer. to me, thats better ;]

  14. strippers take some need big b***s, a nice *** and dancing skills. you will need to work out alot so you look good and also get all over a guy, i might not be a stripper but i kno what i would want

  15. My advice would be to go to one of the clubs and talk to another dancer. They can tell you more than management can about how things are really done. Then if you still decide to do it then talk to the manager, give them an audition and hopefully you will be hired.

    Good luck
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