
Stripping wall paper when it has been painted?

by  |  earlier

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I have walls that were wall papered and then painted over a couple of times. I want to strip the wall paper because you can see the seams through the paint. How can I do that?




  1. Ok i've done this a fair bit. Normally there is a covering on the wallpaper you get a scraper and peel this off. Then you get this stuff from the hardware in the paint section thats specially designed to remove wallpaper and you get a spray bottle (i have one of those garden sprayers you pump up) and you spray the brown paper until it is damp wait 5-10mins then get a plastic scraper (also available at hardware) and simply scrape off. The steam method only works in certain applications, and certainly worth a shot if this doesn't nail it . make sure you thoroughly wash the walls with sugar soap before painting though because the residue from this product will tend to lift the paint if you don't .Good luck i truly know what you are about to go through.

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