
Strong hallucinations? Nail Polish Remover...?

by  |  earlier

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okay so I inhaled nail polish remover for about 5-10 minutes. Then fell asleep and woke up an hour later and went to finish my homework when I heard strong buzzing in my ears, and saw weird kinda blurred light in streaks and then heard like voices, random voices all talking at the same time, then I couldn't hear anything besides that, then I started seeing things, like I would think my mom was standing there when she wasn't, finally I realized I was hallucinating when I saw a blurred figure of a man walk right through me and kept on walking. Also I would see whatever I was thinking about, and could also feel when I thought about pain

Strange? Is this bad?




  1. Inhalents cut off oxygen to the brain, and cause the brain to actually swell. Does that sound good?  Not to mention it could be fatal.

  2. Definitely not a good idea to inhale anything like that!!! People die from this kind of stuff!

    How old are you? Be careful, you don't want to kill too many brain cells when you're young!

  3. ahhh. doesn't sound good. I would lay off sniffin stuff.  

  4. maybe it was jesus,  would explain the light.

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