
Strongly Conflicted About Situation?

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About a week ago I finished summer quarter at my school. Now I'm disappointed in myself because I did not get any contact info from this guy that I talked to during the quarter. I sort of liked him, but more as a friend.

I know what his schedule is going to be for fall so I know we wont have any classes together. Since I know his classes for fall, I'm thinking about "hanging out" around the area his class is going to be and "accidentally" bump into him. That way we can talk about the break and then I can ask for his contact info. What do you think?




  1. That sounds fine if you're going for a subtle approach. Don't do it more than twice, though. If he sees you there a lot or his friends notice and point it out, he'll assume that you have a crush on him and it might make things weird.

    If you want to be bolder, you should just hang out after his class ends and go up to him and tell him that you were waiting for him. Tell him that after summer quarter you realized that you had no contact information about him and you'd like to talk to him again because he's a good friend.

    I suggest the second approach. If you like him just as a friend, it shouldn't matter if you take the bold approach.

  2. Honestly? I think that's a pretty good idea, it'll work I guess, you get to talk to him and get his number and stuff, but come on. Bumping into him? That's kind of childish, I suggest you just go find him and talk to him, ask him to hang out.  

  3. you were probably too distracted by the work that you had to do dont beat yrself up if another opportunity shows itself to speak with this guy then go for it

  4. Just be like "Hey (name) whats up!?" "i never got a chance to get ur email or you're phone # this summer, here's mine, give me urs or call me when you get the chance." "Talk to you later"

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