
Structural Engineer HELP! What should i do!?

by  |  earlier

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I scheduled a foundation inspection for tomorrow w/a structural engineer firm. i just happened to go online just now only to find out that this company also repairs foundations. i don't think i want that because they could tell me anything so they could get work. the yellow pages ad didn't mention that they also repair foundations. should i just look for an engineer that ONLY does inspections or do they all do repairs too. ugh!!! do i call and cancel or what? i just don't want to get ripped off. i want to put my house on the market soon and i don't want these people to s***w me over. any suggestions?????




  1. The only structural engineers I worked with were independent. However they each had a close connection to a contractor who did a lot of work that they recommended.

    You could go ahead with the inspection, and get a written result. If you don't agree you can get another inspector. Or you can cancel.

  2. Good Grief!  You sound like a big baby. Who do you take your car to when it needs inspection?   In the first place, just because they do repair work doesn't mean they are scam artists.  In the second place, they can't force you to do anything.  If they recommend some major repair work, and you don't think you need it, get another opinion.

  3. if they tell you that you need your foundation replaced get a second opinion

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