
Structural damage???

by Guest65831  |  earlier

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what do insruance companies do if you have structural damage to your house?




  1. If it's damaged by a covered peril under your policy (assuming you have insurance) for example: fire or tornado damage... your insurance company should pay to have the damages repaired and if you're house is UNlivable - they should also pay you to live elsewhere while the repairs are being done...

    If it's not a covered peril... for example - just regular wear & tear of the house - they will do nothing... they may even cancel your policy for not keeping upkeep on your home

  2. It depends on your policy type, and what caused the structural damage.  

    No matter the cause, they're going to want the damage repaired - even if it's not covered.

    **Tori is assuming you have a standard HO3 policy, which includes wind damage.  Many areas of the country do NOT have wind automatically included.  Many people do NOT have a standard HO3 form.  If you have a "named perils" form , as opposed to "risk of direct physical loss" (like the standard HO3), then the burden of proof to show the damage was done by a covered peril, is on the PROPERTY OWNER.  If you have an HO3, the burden of proof is on the INSURANCE COMPANY, to prove it's not covered.  HUGE financial difference there. **
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