
Structure a parody from politics without names or parties imaginery or real, demonstrating elector success had

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In it make use of comedy story telling and truisms with juxtapositions and intrigue for mystique?

Finally, what role do you see for yourself, a writer, speaches or otherwise, politician, current or wanna be or ex, and what kind of feature do you see as important, as either a protagonist or activist of causative outcome whether agressive or subtle with bold gentleness?

Does Agression play a part, and given their may be two running mates chosen in America, would what role make two women more powerful to bruise male ego? And would reverse sexism creep in if one candidate were not standing with what other running mate?

Bye way of example, for hypothetical use, I dont know if either will be or is chosen or not yet, but Hillary and Condi, who is best and why?




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