My baby boy will be 5 months on Sept 2. We went to the doctor last wednesday for his 4 month appt (shots and physical). Doctor said he is doing great. He was doubled his 8lb15oz birth weight (now 16lb5oz) and looks great. He also told me to wait a month before I start feeding him solid foods (canned fruits and veges) so he wouldn't develop any food allergies. I have been feeding him rice cereal for a month now and he LOVES it! Ok, so here's the problem... Since he went to the doctor he has had very little interest in his bottle. At first i just figured it was because he had gotten his shots and wasn't feeling well, but now i think its a coincidence, its been almost a week and he gets MAD when i try to give him his bottle of formula. But if I stop and give him cereal he'll eat it. I do prepare his cereal with formula instead of just water (approx 4oz of formula), but I am concerned hes not getting enough nutrients especially since the doctor said his primary source of nutrition right now is still his formula. He will take the bottle 1/3 of the time with no problem(4oz-6oz), but the rest of the time, about after 2-3 oz he gets mad and doesn't want it anymore. So what should I do. We have tried several different styles of bottle. We started my older child on solid foods when she was 5 months old should we start him on them? Thanks for any advice!