
Stubborn Mother HELP ME!!!!

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Im 15 years old about 5ft 4 and my weight is 8st 2lbs I really dont like this and i want to loose weight. My mum refuses to help me, I get exercise but she wont feed me better meals. What do i do? Ive tried everything to persuade her, Ive sat down and spoke to her, Ive tried to persuade her to let me join the gym. But she wont. What can i possibly do!




  1. think about your mothers point of view... you do not need to lose weight, your mum will not encourage you to get ill... with all the young girls suffering from eating disorders these days she will worry... dont get mad at your mum because she loves you...  

  2. i wouldnt help u either ur an ideal weight for your height. but if ur not happy with the shape of ur body u could always try toning up by doing some exercises such as sit ups or stomach crunches

  3. get a job and buy your own food? youre already underweight, you want to lose more? eating disorders are not fun or attractive. honest. and they stunt your growth.  

  4. listen to her your 8st!!!!! u aint one of these perfectic girls who want to be a size 0 are you erw.. 8st is a great weight  

  5. You mum probally has her concerns about you losing weight, she may think you have an eating disorder or something. Explain to her that the eating habits we pick up at our age (im15 too) will stay with us for the rest of our lives. If she wont feed you better meals then just cut out snacks in between or, even better, eat fruits instead. Gyms do cost a lot of money, but you can get excersise for much cheaper, you could walk to schhool? walk you dog, if you have one? walk places instead of going in car ect. do one of those fitness video things? Just dont go overboard your not a bad weight. just eat healthier snacks, eat three straight meals and excersise :)

  6. what is an 8st?

    work out on your own, and cook your own meals. go vegetarian, and she'll have to cook you something different.

  7. you don't need to go to a gym- you can just start jogging around the neighbourhood, and then as you get better at it, start lengthening your runs- if you do this every day, you will be fit in no time.

  8. I agree 8st is a good weight for a girl your size. Try to exercise more. Maybe you can help you mum at the shop an get some veggies. Don't eat to much of the unhealthy stuff she gives you. You could always get an after school job to buy fruits and veggies.

  9. talk to your dad or someone else close to you that would understand. maybe they could help. convince mum maybe?

  10. Hi this is the right wait for you, so you dont need to loose any weight, if you want to do excercise to tone up which will make you look slimmer, but you dont need to loose weight, your the perfect weight even thought you dont think you are.

    Trust me if you start doing crunches, and squats you will tone up and look even slimmer

  11. Edit your question because the weight doesnt make sense.  You are 15 years old, you should make your own meals if you dont like what your mom is preparing for you.  Grab a cookbook for healthy eating and you are all set!!!  Best of luck!!!

  12. Are you so sure that you are right? Has your mother let you down before? Is she stubborn for the sake of it? Or might she, and other contributors here, have a point. At 15 aren't you still developing? Don't the experts say that we should be careful about dieting at that age? Why not be patient? Why not see if there is some compromise which can be reached with your mother? If she sees you approaching it in a responsible and mature manner, she might be persuaded to 'loosen the reins' a little more.

    We parents are very protective of our children and sometimes need a little persuading to let go as you children grown older.

    I hope that helps. Good luck

  13. your mum wont listen to you because you are NOT overweight! You know how to eat healthy and as for excercise you don't need a gym.  You could walk more than usual, cycle, swim, take the stairs instead of the lilft and generall be more active to keep fit.  But you are not overweight just healthy

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