
Stubborn horse!! and a barrel racing question?

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okay. im working with a 12 year old mare who has NOT had the best training. I put her on the lunge line today, and she would go ONLY counter clockwise. i tried everything. i absolutely could not make her go left. any tips? it is soo frustrating.

also, i have a barrel racing question. i got a 20 on my barrel horse the other week, and i know there is room for MUCH improvement. I have my pockets before the barrel, i sit back, use pressure with my inside leg and inside rein, but my turns still suck. He is a fully trained barrel horse, and he is capable of 2-D times but i cant even place in 3-D barrels. I'm one step behind him... i need help??




  1. I'm sorry I can't help you with your barrel racing question (I only ride English) but your first question I can give you a tip and hopefully it works, but there are some things to consider: is she like this only while being lunged or also when you ride her? When you ride her does she work better on the side she likes to be lunged? etc.

    Try this:

    Lunge her the way she likes it and work her a bit, when you want to switch sides, try to walk her that way in circles first. Carefully, slowly, and step by step give her more and more room and lunge so she can get used to it.

    This will take patience...

    Don't be frustrated if it doesn't work the first couple of times...You just have to get her used to it and that takes time.

    Best is if you lunge her every day and try to progress with giving her more space.

    Just be patient and don't rush her, like you acknowledged, she had bad training so give her time. Good luck and I hope it works!

  2. Barrel racing.   Is your horse turning?  I mean is he running past the barrels and missing the pocket or is it that the actual turn isn't smooth and quick???    I have been training barrel horses for many years, I have ways to help with either situation and many others that arise.   If you'd like, email me directly where I can get more info from you and I'll try to understand exactly what is going on.

    Sidenote: ripping your horses mouth and yanking him around kicking him, well that just is not the answer.  No offense to the previous responder but, there's alot more training that goes into this sport than pulling and kicking.  Actually, doing what is noted will get you out of center, drop the horses shoulder and get him off of his hind quarter and turning on the forehand... not what you want to make clean, smooth, barrel runs.

  3. ok...well im a barrel racer also so i think i can help you out....

    im just gonna go ahead and walk you thruogh the whole process ok?

    when your turning the barrels...lean forward and grab between the middle of the horses neck and twards the horses mouth......and pull untill your fis t touches your pocket and kick with your out side leg....if that doesnt work...then try taking a trail ride before you do a calms your horse down and chances are youll have a better run.........and then try my advice again....after they have listened and every time they listen...after your run give your horse a few treats and that will teach them that every time they behave and do a good job theyll be rewarded....tell me how it goes..............and im happy i could help you out.........

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